Benjamin Cayden

I just took advantage of the free Friday shipping and the coupon code and ordered a new Benjamin Cayden. I'm hearing some positive comments on them, and it seems like a pretty good deal.


I'll let y'all know what I think once it arrives...

...did it ever arrive...???...has Covid19 struck...???...

Yes, it did arrive! I think this post got buried and I just forgot about it! It is a great shooting rifle and is quite accurate.


This is a full magazine at 40 yards!


The Turkish Walnut stock is a real beauty!


When properly equipped, it's pretty quiet also!
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Reactions: Hapo
Hapo, Very nice looking rifle, especially at the price point. I may need to sell my CondorSS and get one of these just for the sake of repeater capability. I did not notice any ammo mentioned with your posted target pic or chrony results if you have any? .... Thanks

Also, the scope mount is interesting, does the scope need to be mounted that high for clearance of the mag? or is this just a personal preference? again Thanks
Hapo, Very nice looking rifle, especially at the price point. I may need to sell my CondorSS and get one of these just for the sake of repeater capability. I did not notice any ammo mentioned with your posted target pic or chrony results if you have any? .... Thanks

Also, the scope mount is interesting, does the scope need to be mounted that high for clearance of the mag? or is this just a personal preference? again Thanks

Those pics are my rifle, I don't think Harpo has his yet... The target was shot using the JSB domed pellets, 18.13 grain, averaging 901 PFS. It also shoots the 15.89 grain JSB's equally well averaging 945 FPS. I don't have that scope mount on it any more, it was too high, it was the only mount I had available when the rifle arrived. I have since replaced the scope with a CenterPointe Spectrum 4-12X44 FFP mounted with high profile rings.
Hapo, Very nice looking rifle, especially at the price point. I may need to sell my CondorSS and get one of these just for the sake of repeater capability. I did not notice any ammo mentioned with your posted target pic or chrony results if you have any? .... Thanks

Also, the scope mount is interesting, does the scope need to be mounted that high for clearance of the mag? or is this just a personal preference? again Thanks

...methinks you should keep the Condor...

...not saying don't buy the Cayden...

...I might get one later but now is not a good tyme for Hapo...

...just some perspective here...I don't think I would sell my Air force TalonP/Escape set up(s) for a profit...I certainly would not sell at a loss to try something else...

...maybe yours suks but mine is accurate and defect free...I am holding on to it...I cannot say I really love it but I am likely in denial...

Akela - same barrel as Cayden

DSC00003 2.1602894603.JPG

LW - same barrel as Condor

DSC00002 3.1602894653.JPG

...they shipped it...!!!...WTF...!?!...I cancelled that order...!!!...I already canceled those Picatinny rings...!!!...


...I will probably call it a Kral Cayden if anyone askes what it is...

...I never refer to the CZ as an "Air Arms" even though it has the AA logo on it and not CZ... is still an S 200 whatever...I wonder if the S 200 barrel will fit the Cayden...


I'm very happy with my Cayden, accurate, great string and plenty of power. The only thing I've done so far to it is an LDC, very quiet now, they're very loud without one. I've been using my cast 23 grain NOE Hunter Magnums in it only. Here's a five shot group at 50 yards with it.

...and here I sold all my lead...where did you acquire a mold...???...

...methinks Crosman deserves our money for "designing this rifle" (fitting a Kral Puncher) with a nice stock with swivel studs and a foster fitting and selling it locally...

...that makes it better than the Kral Puncher...IMHO...
...CS @ Crosman is pretty good...they are doing their best to un-send it...

...I am getting accustomed to the fiddly Rowen magazine and have actually come to appreciate that it does not self index in my particular situation...

...when I miss an opportunity for a shot, which happens often here, I can just de-cock the rifle w/o fiddling around with the magazine...which makes it less fiddly than an indexing magazine...

...but for $450 the Cayden is a hard gun to not want on is not like I don't want it... 😞

...but just think of all the other stuff I won't need to buy sure is easy to get carried away behind this place...!!!...'s a great sale but methinks the best way to save is to just not spend...
...well, they sent it, and I didn't get a nice is plain ugly in fact...that would describe the wood's "character"... is so much plainer than the wood on FLgunner's gun that it looks like a different least the grain is straight...

...I guess it looks like everyone else's...LoL...

...not liking the sloppy floppy nature of the lever action...nothing holds it open...are they all like that...???...

...the UPS guy left it w/o a signature and ignored the note refusing delivery...

...CS @ Crosman assured me UPS would not leave "a rifle" w/o a signature and I assured CS that they would and they did...

...I sent in a cancelation request two hours after I made the order...four days later they shipped the rifle...I figgered I might as well look it over...

...I have mixed feelings aboot the rifle but over all am a bit disappointed...the fit and finish are definitely "Turkish"...the vaunted sling swivel studs are not even installed correctly on mine......this bodes ill for other aspects IMHO...

...all that said I still like how it looks and feels...the plain stock is still is well milled...the rifle feels a shoulders and points very well despite it's heft...I put the Barska red/green dot sight on it to point it at things...I am actually liking that...I might use it like that for a while...if I use it...

...I can get over it not being too pretty but I am not sure how I feel aboot the feel of the action...the probe keeps falling in the way of the magazine...abrupt movement will open the action...

...I can see where I would not worry too much aboot it getting beat up some, like I did with the Daystate...

...not sure if I like it enough to put self out over, but my biggest fear that it would be awkward has not been realized, although it is hardly dainty...

...the tricked out CZ is shooting really well...😬
...well, it is well past noon here and I have not shipped the Cayden back yet...I must like it enough to try shooting it...I do want a good repeater...

...I will advise Crosman that UPS does not require a signature but I suspect that it is all part of some sinister plot...or Covid 19...

...I find myself intrigued by how handicapped it will be by the Kral barrel...most of them seem to be satisfactory... I get five years to try it out...?!?...

...I have noted that two grub screws secure the barrel... (grin)


...well, I am cleaning it...I want to shoot it now...those (clever) bastards...!!!...

...I did not start another Cayden thread many Cayden threads do you want...?!?...

...there is a bore scope some place around here...

...for now I have decided to accept the loose jointed gravity sensitive nature of the Cayden action for what it is... does seem smooth and very easy to cock...I won't be taking it into combat...