I don't own one.. Not sure I want one.. But this is my question. Has anyone ever put a CF tank on this rifle? I searched to see if anyone has, but haven't found anything yet. I'm sure it has crossed some minds out here. The benefits are obvious and don't really need explanation. The reason it doesn't have one is also fairly obvious and doesn't need covered here either. I'm not interested in the answers that argue for other airguns that already do have CF.. Or , How much it costs compared to it's features, etc etc etc. Hoping this thread doesn't take a life of it's own in some direction that has nothing to do with the subject, that gets really old. So, with that being said, anyone else know of one out here or thought about it as well?

hmmmm… well, I don’t own one either and… well, let’s see…

hmmm… yeah, I can't say that I really want one either… and… well, ok, let me think

… nope, I don’t know anyone who did this to theirs…


hmmmm… ok yes, I would have to agree, the reasons for installing a CF bottle on a Gunnar would be glaringly obvious…. but…

well… ok yeah, I suppose that I would also have to agree the reasons the CF bottle wasn’t installed are also glaringly obvious… sooo…

hmmmm…. well sure, can’t really argue how it’s justifiable to buy and install a CF bottle on a brand new Gunnar given its price… I mean, c’mon man, there's just so many other options

, buy once cry once, am I right?




so, yeah, now that I gave it some thought… I guess there’s just not much else to discuss… sooo

… what do we do now

How stupid.. And that took quite a while to type out.. lol Already got the answer but thanks 4 looking stupid.