Benjamin Marauder semi-auto not loading right!

I am using a Benjamin Marauder semi-auto. I can affirm that it's NOT the bolt action one as there is no bolt on it, yet, I would rather be using the bolt action version honestly as so far my experience with the marauder has been that it has not been semi-auto. If anything it's been half-auto, you shoot once, you're forced to shoot a blank off, and then shoot an actual pellet again.

This is a bit of a mess right now I'm hoping you can all help with.

1. I've been having a weird experience with the gun. First of all, I thought I zeroed it really damn well at 25 yards yesterday. And this was at 1000-2000 psi. Pellets were going right on point and were only about half an inch away from each other before I had to put the gun down and do something else.

Today I came back to it. Shots are affirmatively an inch to an inch and a half higher than the target dot. I'm not the most familiar firearm/airgun user, but I know it makes no sense for the gun to suddenly be shooting a full inch higher one day.
This is the gun!

Did I just bump the elevation knob bringing the gun around and not know about it? is it just a one time problem? I won't know. But when fired, the gun is now somewhat consistent, but shoots a bit high. I'll find out if it has a new attitude tomorrow I guess.

Am I just new to zeroing a scope or is the gun weird? I don't know. Just thought I'd share it so you have the information.

2. If I make the gun point up and then down, up and down, I hear something sliding around in the barrel. It's probably not the lower tube. Imagine if a small ball bearing were loose. That's what it sounds like. So far it hasn't caused any issues but the fact that this is happening is not great. I haven't been able to shake it out of the front or back end of the barrel.

3. When I fire, the damn shots don't load up the next one!! I shoot once. Pull the trigger again? Nothing. I'll notice that the magazine has not even rotated to the next shot. This forces me to shoot off a blank and then charge the handle again, after which the magazine will now rotate. Or often times I need to pull out the whole magazine, put it back in, then pull the handle all the way.

Because of this, sometimes I worry that I've very likely double-loaded pellets. I still have been shooting along, but yeah that's not great. I have 10 rounds in a magazine, and I often get the feeling that once I walk up to the target there are not 10 bullet holes. Whether that's on me or the bullets are vaporizing into thin air, no. idea.

Please suggest what I should do... I'll be calling Benjamin come Monday of course.
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Okay so this was cool.
I bought a 100% new mag and put in pellets.

First shot, I charged the handle properly, and the mag even rotated.
Pull trigger. Bang. Nothing came out.

Charged handle again. Shot properly.

A few shots later, on one of the shots, the pellet doesn't fire. Some air must have escaped because now my right ear is now ringing.

etc etc

This is a 100% new magazine so the feeding isn't the problem, but through this magazine I have had to just pull the magazine out repeatedly and the pellets have been chewed like dog toys by the hammer.

The issues around the semi auto seem to revolve around the magazine and the bolt cycling in sync. That gun has a good warranty. Because there seems to be a couple of issues with it I would send it in to Crosman and let them sort it out or send you a new one. This will also help them evolve and work out any bugs in the new guns coming out.

I have ported and tuned on my Benjamin semi auto to get the peak power. I found that the system needs a balance between power, pellet weight, and the gun cycling. I keep my magazines lubed with silicone oil, as well as gun oil the probe/bolt and spring area to keep everything working correctly now that it's been modified.
As far as the point of impact change goes, the Marauder series have a floating barrel that doesn't like to have the end of the barrel resting against the wall between uses. It changes the point of impact. What I did was push an o-ring in between the barrel shroud and the support at the end of the air tube. The o-ring takes up the space there and makes the barrel rigid. A few wraps of electrical tape on the barrel shroud to take up the space would do the same. I don't rest any of my airguns against the wall because they all have some flexibility in their barrels.
As far as the point of impact change goes, the Marauder series have a floating barrel that doesn't like to have the end of the barrel resting against the wall between uses. It changes the point of impact. What I did was push an o-ring in between the barrel shroud and the support at the end of the air tube. The o-ring takes up the space there and makes the barrel rigid. A few wraps of electrical tape on the barrel shroud to take up the space would do the same. I don't rest any of my airguns against the wall because they all have some flexibility in their barrels.
Nice, thanks for all that information. That was actually helpful