N/A Benjamin Marauder

I'm very interesting in getting a Benjamin Marauder.
Was wondering whats the difference between the Marauder 32fplbs and the field & target 22ftlbs?
Cant go wrong either way. I almost like shooting my marauder more than my wildcat and def more than my bullmaster. Also they make a 29 round extended mag for it too....I very much rec. it if you have the extra $ for one. Space scope accordingly and get risers like I have lol
I just upgraded from my only airgun in decades (Sheridan Blue Streak) and now a Marauder - P-rod. I'm finding it's a real rabbit hole...dayuuuum ! I should have read more about PCP infrastructure but hey...that's water under the bridge now.

What I've accumulated during the past 2 weeks: Marauder pistol, tennis racquet bag, Huben floor pump. Learned first hand that the hand pump wasn't going to be good enough since it would require 1/2 hr pumping every 50-80 shots. Purchased a CS4 compressor yesterday.

This has put a dent in my toy budget the rest of the year. haha
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F&T is Field and Target, and actual competition has a 20ft lb limit so I could see why they lowered the tune on it. You can retune the gun however you like for your needs. I run an Mrod for Hunter Field Target. Its Huma reg'd with a lothar barrel and is very accurate and I am getting almost 60 regulated shots in .177 at 18-19fpe. It was built for that purpose though and I love shooting it.