Benjamin Pioneer Airbow

Benjamin Pioneer Airbow – Crosman Intros A Revolutionary New Hunting Weapon[/QUOTE]

"Filled to 3000 PSI and firing full sized arrows, the integrated pressure regulator delivers eight consistent full power shots at a blazing 450 FPS. The convenience of a trigger firing mechanism, top cocking lever with only two pounds of cocking force and compact profile means anyone, regardless of size or strength, can handle the Benjamin Pioneer Airbow. With no cocking rope to lose or tangle, the Pioneer Airbow is especially safe for treestand use."
When I first started hunting many years ago, the crossbow was considered a poacher's tool (much easier to master than a long bow or recurve and silent) and was prohibited. With the advent of compound bows and mechanical releases, it was successfully argued that there was little difference between between the two and many states now allow the use of crossbows during archery season. I see the use of "air powered bows" as being a fairly logical progression of the same argument.
(decided to edit)

"Looks interesting I’m wondering will this also offer a projectile shooting barrel?" you cant judge by pictures but it certainly doesn't look like 
"Arrows have their nocks removed so they may be slipped over the .357 caliber rifle barrel." That will be a LARGE dia. arrow shaft? And naturally you''l be buying their arrows. Now having it an arrow shooter AND a muzzle loaded .357 just might add legal hunting states, but I'm thinking(?) typo?

Folks wanting more info really need to download the PDF on the crosman link
and click the link included there, some nice info. click on each animal listed and the video's. But they need to add Hawaii where it is legal to hunt with a BMG or flamethrower as long as your on private land.


"0akhonor"Let me whisper this: as our air guns get more powerful, silent, affordable and popular, our "below the radar" status will be reversed. I want more people to enjoy our sport, and to broaden our capabilities, but recognize that anything that can be legislated, will be... These are the best of times, let's enjoy them!
IMHO you are spot on !

"FearnLoading"Cool. That's a powerful one. I don't know why but the bulldog platform doesn't look very comfortable to hold.
I was thinking the same cool idea I know FX has a few out there......I thought
the Bulldog was a ugly thing LOL WOuld be nice if they had a different design
all together for their Arrow gun. But it's cool to see they entertained the idea! :)