Benjamin Benji/Crosman sisters

Not to be outdone, the Prod insisted on shooting into the group made by the 1701p. Dueling pistols cum carbines. Interestingly. It shot the first three into the same hole and then two more into another hole, about a pellet width lower. I think it’s a tie. The prod is now only a wee bit louder than the 1701P. Perhaps they can co-exist in peace now, before one departs on loan to my neighbor. Which one do I hold on to???

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Prod got a slight boost in power on account of me using the 10shot Maple custom mags. No sense in having a 24 shot tune so it was cut down to 20 with a 1fpe boost:


Just dropping off the reg on the last shot from a 3000psi initial fill so I’ll be cheating a little by filling to 3100.

The neighbor has borrowed the 1701P and has been putting it to good use:

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