Umarex benjimin gunner vs umarex zelos

Crosman has the best customer support in the business.
Crosman also has some of the most expensive PCPs for what the offer.

Gunnar is just a Kral made PCP very similar to any other Kral PCP (NP03, Puncher, etc).
Kral also makes the Akela, Kratos and Cayden sold by Crosman.

I have 2 Kral NP03, which are decent but have short useable shot strings.
Still I like them a short light carbines, but I paid only $250 each.

On the other hand the Gunnar seems to be big and heavy, similar to Kratos.

The many Kral experts on this forum wil hopefuly give us their opinions.
Gunnar is a Reximex Nyx not a Kral
I've been drinking the Hate-san Koolaid and it's delicious.

No it's not FX quality, But unlike many I've had really good luck w their products including a recently purchased refurbed .177 Factor RC that is totally worth the $454.99 that I paid for it delivered to my door. Despite the community dislike for the brand, I'd consider it worth more than that value-wise, on par w any other Turkish gun of equal price point in terms of quality. Obviously where Hatsan usually falls down is in customer service, but as a DIYer that's a risk I can live with but is always subject to change.

The gun is reliable and accurate. Having an easily adjustable regulator that is very easy to use, is nice to have in a backyard plinker and would be a good low cost introduction to those added features. Having a 24 shot mag and a really high shot count is super noice for those of us with poor eye sight and sausage fingers. Especially in low light.

Also... you guys should lighten up on Nate too. At least he brings these products into the light of day, the vendors seem comfortable enough to let him do it and show me a YT airgunner who isn't enthusiastic over a new toy. If you can do a better job than I personally look forward to watching your new YT channel when it comes out.
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