Other Best all around PCP

Ok so here it is. I just got into PCP air guns. I shot powder guns and hunted from the time I could follow my dad around in the woods hunting squirrels Rabit Deer Etc. In my early 40's I just got tired of it one day and quit for whatever reason. I quit shooting all together till one day I ran into a video of the Air Venturi Avenger by accident. It took me about a year to talk myself into it but finally did it and now I'm excited to get back into this. But and a big but I'm not overall crazy about the Avenger it's a "tinker's gun" I'm not into that I already have a buyer in mind so there's no issue there but now I need to replace it. I'm looking for a rifle that can do it all without a lot of fuss. Whether its just a day of shooting off the bench or hunting I want something that just works. I was considering the FX Impact but I see a lot of mixed emotions out of what's supposed to be the best air rifle ever made. I know I want .25 cal thats for sure and I know I am only worried about pellets not slugs because I will never use it to shoot anything bigger then a squirrel. I think $2500 will be my limit money wise want to see what the experienced experts say. Thanks.
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FX Royale 500 in a full length rifle or a Taipan Veteran if you would rather have a bullpup configuration. Do your home work and check them both out...I own both platforms either one is solid as a rock...highly recommend. Good luck!
First answer by RM100GUY nailed it. Taipan Veteran or Royale 500. I agree 100%!
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Ok so here it is. I just got into PCP air guns. I shot powder guns and hunted from the time I could follow my dad around in the woods hunting squirrels Rabit Deer Etc. In my early 40's I just got tired of it one day and quit for whatever reason. I quit shooting all together till one day I ran into a video of the Air Venturi Avenger by accident. It took me about a year to talk myself into it but finally did it and now I'm excited to get back into this. But and a big but I'm not overall crazy about the Avenger it's a "tinker's gun" I'm not into that I already have a buyer in mind so there's no issue there but now I need to replace it. I'm looking for a rifle that can do it all without a lot of fuss. Whether its just a day of shooting off the bench or hunting I want something that just works. I was considering the FX Impact but I see a lot of mixed emotions out of what's supposed to be the best air rifle ever made. I know I want .25 cal thats for sure and I know I am only worried about pellets not slugs because I will never use it to shoot anything bigger then a squirrel. I think $2500 will be my limit money wise want to see what the experienced experts say. Thanks.
If you’re considering the Impact, don’t overlook the BRK Ghost. The entire BRK lineup rocks. They, the BRKs are quietly and elegantly eating the competitions’ lunch.

Ok so here it is. I just got into PCP air guns. I shot powder guns and hunted from the time I could follow my dad around in the woods hunting squirrels Rabit Deer Etc. In my early 40's I just got tired of it one day and quit for whatever reason. I quit shooting all together till one day I ran into a video of the Air Venturi Avenger by accident. It took me about a year to talk myself into it but finally did it and now I'm excited to get back into this. But and a big but I'm not overall crazy about the Avenger it's a "tinker's gun" I'm not into that I already have a buyer in mind so there's no issue there but now I need to replace it. I'm looking for a rifle that can do it all without a lot of fuss. Whether its just a day of shooting off the bench or hunting I want something that just works. I was considering the FX Impact but I see a lot of mixed emotions out of what's supposed to be the best air rifle ever made. I know I want .25 cal thats for sure and I know I am only worried about pellets not slugs because I will never use it to shoot anything bigger then a squirrel. I think $2500 will be my limit money wise want to see what the experienced experts say. Thanks.

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Personally I’d stay away from the Impact in the woods. I know I’m going to get hammered for saying this so all you haters go ahead. I found that the cocking arm would fly open often when I had the gun shouldered while using a sling I the woods. It’s a pain having to remove the mag to keep from double loading it. This isn’t an issue if you cradle it but I don’t like having to hold a gun the whole time I’m hunting. I never did try a single point sling on it though, that may solve the issue.
Ok so here it is. I just got into PCP air guns. I shot powder guns and hunted from the time I could follow my dad around in the woods hunting squirrels Rabit Deer Etc. In my early 40's I just got tired of it one day and quit for whatever reason. I quit shooting all together till one day I ran into a video of the Air Venturi Avenger by accident. It took me about a year to talk myself into it but finally did it and now I'm excited to get back into this. But and a big but I'm not overall crazy about the Avenger it's a "tinker's gun" I'm not into that I already have a buyer in mind so there's no issue there but now I need to replace it. I'm looking for a rifle that can do it all without a lot of fuss. Whether its just a day of shooting off the bench or hunting I want something that just works. I was considering the FX Impact but I see a lot of mixed emotions out of what's supposed to be the best air rifle ever made. I know I want .25 cal thats for sure and I know I am only worried about pellets not slugs because I will never use it to shoot anything bigger then a squirrel. I think $2500 will be my limit money wise want to see what the experienced experts say. Thanks.
I’m surprised you considered an impact as your next gun getting back into it when you stated in your intro that you are not into a “tinkers” gun or a gun with a lot of fuss. The impact is at THE TOP OF THE LIST as the tinkers gun, and w/o sounding negative towards the impact, it comes with fuss if you don’t know what you’re doing.

If you truly want a no fuss just shoot out of the box gun, here’s a hint- pick a gun with at most just a power level wheel. The less knobs and accessible adjustments you have the less fussy it will appear to be. With that said, the suggestions for the royale platform is great, an MK2 wildcat(which can be had at a great price these days in the classifieds), a Taipan, and possibly an uragan or from the Uragan family of guns.

Be realistic about its use. Mainly target? Maybe only for pest control? A bit of both? You’ll be surprised at how many folks buy a gun “to hunt yotes with” and the bulk of their shooting ends up to be tin cans at 50 yards and the occasional ground squirrel that presents itself. Then you’re now realizing a 35 caliber is not only expensive to plink with, it’s hard to feed that thing with the air it needs, and the fact that you gotta travel out to a range or somewhere remote outdoors cause that “yote gun” you bought isn’t neighbor friendly.

Air source- big power means lots of air. Be prepared to invest in a compressor and a tank or two.
Guns meant for true plinking snd the occasional garden pest can be hand pumped- marauder, gamo urban, Daystate regal/revere.

Just things to consider, as even though it seems you’ve got a healthy budget to work with, if you end up unhappy in your choices, you’ll take a big fat hit on that investment when you go to sell.
I’m surprised you considered an impact as your next gun getting back into it when you stated in your intro that you are not into a “tinkers” gun or a gun with a lot of fuss. The impact is at THE TOP OF THE LIST as the tinkers gun, and w/o sounding negative towards the impact, it comes with fuss if you don’t know what you’re doing.

If you truly want a no fuss just shoot out of the box gun, here’s a hint- pick a gun with at most just a power level wheel. The less knobs and accessible adjustments you have the less fussy it will appear to be. With that said, the suggestions for the royale platform is great, an MK2 wildcat(which can be had at a great price these days in the classifieds), a Taipan, and possibly an uragan or from the Uragan family of guns.

Be realistic about its use. Mainly target? Maybe only for pest control? A bit of both? You’ll be surprised at how many folks buy a gun “to hunt yotes with” and the bulk of their shooting ends up to be tin cans at 50 yards and the occasional ground squirrel that presents itself. Then you’re now realizing a 35 caliber is not only expensive to plink with, it’s hard to feed that thing with the air it needs, and the fact that you gotta travel out to a range or somewhere remote outdoors cause that “yote gun” you bought isn’t neighbor friendly.

Air source- big power means lots of air. Be prepared to invest in a compressor and a tank or two.
Guns meant for true plinking snd the occasional garden pest can be hand pumped- marauder, gamo urban, Daystate regal/revere.

Just things to consider, as even though it seems you’ve got a healthy budget to work with, if you end up unhappy in your choices, you’ll take a big fat hit on that investment when you go to sell.
Well I had to read your comments twice and I think I know where you are coming. I didn’t mention in my post I have a air venturi rovair compressor but I think I did mention I wanted a no fuss rifle. That’s what I started the post with I was considering this then I read a lot of reviews and comments about the rifle. Also I don’t know where .35 cal came into the conversation. (This is all meant as nicely as possible) I strongly consider the .22 cal but I feel I’m leaving something on the table (yeah it’s all in my head) so.25 it is. Your right about being realistic (thank you for saying that) most of the time in my backyard 35 yards is it but it will be spending a lot of time from September to January taking out squirrels (and if that stupid yote comes in my backyard again he’s done also). Also I have a place I can shoot as far as I want but 30minutes up the road is a long way when your tired (lets be honest we get lazy when we get old) so with all that said you have a $2500 budget you want new and simple what is your absolute pick. I really want to know also I have seen a few brands over and over I’m interested in some but I have a fear if it doesn’t work out how will the resale go? See my point thanks for the reply
Personally I’d stay away from the Impact in the woods. I know I’m going to get hammered for saying this so all you haters go ahead. I found that the cocking arm would fly open often when I had the gun shouldered while using a sling I the woods. It’s a pain having to remove the mag to keep from double loading it. This isn’t an issue if you cradle it but I don’t like having to hold a gun the whole time I’m hunting. I never did try a single point sling on it though, that may solve the issue.
Oh gee, don’t think very many ppl would prefer an impact for a stalking/hunting gun. Just not a good gun to shoot offhand. But then, I’ve never owned a bullpup that I preferred for that.
I brought up a 35 cal only because at one time there were a few of them in the classifieds and I always wondered “why”. It’s bad enough shooting (a lot) using 30 cal at 150 to a tin at $15, I can’t imagine shooting 35 cal at about $18-$20/tin for 100 shots. When I decide to buy a pcp gun I want to have care free shooting and if I go thru two tins I don’t wanna worry about it. I’ve come up with methods of saving the good Ammo for important use, like when first trying to get on paper after a scope install I use the vortex strike pellets at $10 tin and once I’m close I move onto my better Ammo. Same goes for initial tuning to get to my chosen velocity areas.

But back at your choices- you’ve got a good budget start, actually a great one. You have tons of choices! But why use all that up when you can get what you need/like for less, right?

Going off of guns I’m familiar with either thru personal ownership, or have friends that have them, here’s my suggestion-
Light plinking and light pest control-
1. Benjamin Marauder
2. Gamo Urban
3. Daystate Regal/Revere(latter is regulated)

Best bang for the buck- well, that award goes to the avenger, of course. Accurate, and can be made to shoot just as powerful as a gun for raccoon/beaver type critters, or lowered for squirrel sized critters.

Larger pest control and strict target shooting the FX line of guns are the go to. So many choices and tons of topics to help guide you on which exact one. Understand though that the bottle fed guns in the FX line come with user adjustment knobs, dials, and regulator adjustment access. This means tweaking to your hearts content. If it’s bench shooting for accuracy the crown type block guns like the boss, crown, etc are good, for the hunt the impact and wildcat platforms(bullpup guns) and for the specislized PRS shooting the newly released Panthera, the die hard/work horse Impact are what’s out there currently. I got to shoot a Panthera recently and boy I was impressed. Very accurate right out of the box, literally, as a guy just bought it from utah Airguns and sighted it in at utah Airguns indoor range. It was there where he offered to let me shoot it.

Other top tier guns for super accuracy can be had with Skout, Daystate’s and Thomas guns. You like electronic controls? The Daystate and the Skout guns are good choices. Donny’s Panda gun is soon to be released if you want to hold out for a 17lb bench gun.(I have never owned any of these guns in this paragraph,just personally know of folks that own and love them).

For all out fun and speed in shot to shot, especially for run and gun practice along with dispatching the herd of raccoons invading your chicken coop, there’s the Sidewinders, the LCS guns, and the Western rattlers. All with semi and full auto at your fingertips. One knob to adjust for power(I don’t include the reg adjustment knob as it’s frowned upon adjustment by the manufacturers)

There are a ton more others that fit into the different breakdowns, but like I mentioned, only gonna offer input on what I’m most familiar with.

Here’s my biggest suggestion before you hit the buy button, and it’s the most important to consider- parts availability, parts diagrams, customer support being available at any 9-5 business day, and if it is important to you, resale value of the gun. To me a gun is crap if I can’t ever get a part to fix or modify it. If I can’t talk to someone or the selling vendor can’t help me it too is crap. If I decide to sell but have to go down to less than half of what it cost me initially, well, it, too, is crapolla

Just my opinions, hope this helps
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Here’s my biggest suggestion before you hit the buy button, and it’s the most important to consider- parts availability, parts diagrams, customer support being available at any 9-5 business day, and if it is important to you, resale value of the gun. To me a gun is crap if I can’t ever get a part to fix or modify it. If I can’t talk to someone or the selling vendor can’t help me it too is crap. If I decide to sell but have to go down to less than half of what it cost me initially, well, it, too, is crapolla
This is Excellent advice!

If you want a no fuss shooter out of the box a Taipan Vet is extremely hard to beat. I’ve owned a few and they have all been trouble free and tack drivers. One of the best triggers you will ever pull. Zero issues with any of them and I still own a Compact Vet. It’s a great hunting platform and still performs off a bench too. Having said that parts may be hard to procure but I’d question if you would ever need one?

Next in line would be BRK / Brococks. Reliable as a rock, accuracy and EXCELLENT customer support via AOA though it’s doubtful you’d ever need it.

My competition gun is a RTI Prophet LR 22. I have owned more air guns than I care to admit and my Prophet is the most accurate gun I’ve owned for 50Y matches. Nothing I’ve owned has been able to out score it. Many have tried and all have failed, at least in my hands.

Enough has been said about FX both pro and con so there’s no use going there. There are LOTs of threads here to read should you care to?
This is Excellent advice!

If you want a no fuss shooter out of the box a Taipan Vet is extremely hard to beat. I’ve owned a few and they have all been trouble free and tack drivers. One of the best triggers you will ever pull. Zero issues with any of them and I still own a Compact Vet. It’s a great hunting platform and still performs off a bench too. Having said that parts may be hard to procure but I’d question if you would ever need one?

Next in line would be BRK / Brococks. Reliable as a rock, accuracy and EXCELLENT customer support via AOA though it’s doubtful you’d ever need it.

My competition gun is a RTI Prophet LR 22. I have owned more air guns than I care to admit and my Prophet is the most accurate gun I’ve owned for 50Y matches. Nothing I’ve owned has been able to out score it. Many have tried and all have failed, at least in my hands.

Enough has been said about FX both pro and con so there’s no use going there. There are LOTs of threads here to read should you care to?
Taipan Vet?
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Best 'All Around' would suggest most versatile at least that is how I interpret it, from making power, to shooting efficient, swapping calibers, having on board plenum for the former, great quality control, LW or equal quality barrel, high aftermarket support / customer service.

I can't offer any suggestions, I built my own 'best all around pcp' for me based on a marauder, definitely not everyone's cup of tea nor will I say it's the ultimate best all around pcp (a customized mrod) or a route someone starting off with a $2,500 budget should go.

It's quite subjective really which pcp(s) are the best all around, but you'll hear quite a few names repeated, from Taipan, to BRK, to Daystate, FX, AAA, and Thomas are all suitable with various levels of aftermarket support / customer service, if one were to develop some kind of ranking system that weighed customer service/aftermarket support in heavily, I am sure only a few would remain up top.

Even Taipan knows the Taipan Vet was a stupid design and change it a bit but still inferior with having the action and mag in your face in the back
As long as you don't follow the design of a REAL firearm your looking at a crap rifle, not to mention a bullpup
The action and mag of a superior design will always be in FRONT of your face NOT behind
Just look at how the Taipan Vet pulls you out of posistion to cock, try huting with this bullpup joke
I have the right to my intelligent opinion without the BS name calling

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Even Taipan knows the Taipan Vet was a stupid design and change it a bit but still inferior with having the action and mag in your face in the back
As long as you don't follow the design of a REAL firearm your looking at a crap rifle, not to mention a bullpup
The action and mag of a superior design will always be in FRONT of your face NOT behind
Just look at how the Taipan Vet pulls you out of posistion to cock, try huting with this bullpup joke
I have the right to my intelligent opinion without the BS name calling

View attachment 377924View attachment 377925
This is what you should’ve posted first, an intelligent breakdown as to why its an inferior design. Thanks, apologies if I offended you.

You've shared this before.....a couple times.....
The way Rick is cocking is a choice (a poor one at that). He's making it harder than it really is.

The OP stated his wants:
Not a tinkerer
No fuss
Something that just works
Pellet specific
Under $2500

The Veteran fits all of that, and even leaves room for a scope and air supply.

I'm sorry that your experience with Veterans went so poorly. You're in the minority, and entitled to an opinion, same as the other 99% of Vet owners. That 99% being the guys that love them for all of the reasons the OP includes as his "wants."
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You've shared this before.....a couple times.....
The way Rick is cocking is a choice (a poor one at that). He's making it harder than it really is.

The OP stated his wants:
Not a tinkerer
No fuss
Something that just works
Pellet specific
Under $2500

The Veteran fits all of that, and even leaves room for a scope and air supply.

I'm sorry that your experience with Veterans went so poorly. You're in the minority, and entitled to an opinion, same as the other 99% of Vet owners. That 99% being the guys that love them for all of the reasons the OP includes as his "wants."

I am very glad he blocked me. His life must be absolutely miserable with people still loving a tried and true platform. The veteran is arguably the most tinker free airgun on the market, as well as most reliable.... whats ironic is its reliability can only be rivaled by Goldwings ability to reliably always crap on them.
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