Other Best all around PCP

Ok so here it is. I just got into PCP air guns. I shot powder guns and hunted from the time I could follow my dad around in the woods hunting squirrels Rabit Deer Etc. In my early 40's I just got tired of it one day and quit for whatever reason. I quit shooting all together till one day I ran into a video of the Air Venturi Avenger by accident. It took me about a year to talk myself into it but finally did it and now I'm excited to get back into this. But and a big but I'm not overall crazy about the Avenger it's a "tinker's gun" I'm not into that I already have a buyer in mind so there's no issue there but now I need to replace it. I'm looking for a rifle that can do it all without a lot of fuss. Whether its just a day of shooting off the bench or hunting I want something that just works. I was considering the FX Impact but I see a lot of mixed emotions out of what's supposed to be the best air rifle ever made. I know I want .25 cal thats for sure and I know I am only worried about pellets not slugs because I will never use it to shoot anything bigger then a squirrel. I think $2500 will be my limit money wise want to see what the experienced experts say. Thanks.
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as being as AAA doesn’t make a 25cal yet, I’d also recommend the veteran. Others I’d recommend is the new brk line, and Raw. All tend to be more rugged than FX (sorry not sorry).
The end of this year looks bright for AAA as they’ve said they will have a 25 cal offering. I will be one of the first to buy. In the mean time, I’ll be using my vet that I just installed the tactical chassis on to fit ME better. Rear cocking isn’t an issue with the trouble free stupid accuracy of the vet. You won’t need a quick follow up shot!!

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I LOVE the look of the new Taipan stock!!! Congrats UK.

I've owned a few RAWs and they are awesome shooting guns but I did not recommend one due to the their long length. The OP stated that he wanted to use it for hunting and the RAW's length is a strike against it for docile handling in the field or tight woods or barn hunting, at least for me.
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I LOVE the look of the new Taipan stock!!! Congrats UK.

I've owned a few RAWs and they are awesome shooting guns but I did not recommend one due to the their long length. The OP stated that he wanted to use it for hunting and the RAW's length is a strike against it for docile handling in the field or tight woods or barn hunting, at least for me.

Thanks, I’m liking it so far. Much more stable than before for me.

The only reason I brought up raw was for the new micro hunter. It still needs some perfecting in my opinion (carbon bottle, better hammer spring system), but it sure has the ruggedness needed, and still fairly compact.
Thanks, I’m liking it so far. Much more stable than before for me.

The only reason I brought up raw was for the new micro hunter. It still needs some perfecting in my opinion (carbon bottle, better hammer spring system), but it sure has the ruggedness needed, and still fairly compact.
Aha, I forgot about the new Micro Hunter model. I have no experience with them so I will defer to others input. Thanks for the clarification and feedback UK.
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I was in your exact same situation just a couple years ago. Lots of plinking, target shooting and hunting with PBs in my younger years and wanted something I could enjoy in my backyard plinking but also something to take out larger varmints as needed. I had some interest in also doing some range shooting at longer distances. Being new to PCPs as you are I really could not make up my mind so settled on two rifles and two calibers. The L2 and M3 both in .22 and .30. Love the L2 as I am used to semi auto PBs and it gets the most use. Understand it is a controversial gun for many reasons but I have no issues with it and it’s been rock solid. It is great that it stores in a very compact arrangement. The M3 is fun to tune and is a tack driver but not as much fun as the L2. If I had to do it over again I would probably get a Ghost rather than the M3 as I don’t appreciate the complications of the sleeved barrel system of the M3. I tend to use .22 for 80% of my use as it is more efficient in cost and air. I save my .30 use for large raccoons and few coyotes. By the time you get a good compressor, tank, scopes and moderators be prepaired to dip into your piggy bank for a few more coins. Enjoy…
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Not on the first design model, changing it was an ammitace to only half the problen to a crap design
Ok my fellow member, You have responded with your usual level of diplomacy. I will thereby expand on my position in the effort to hash out some points and would like hear your response to my specific points here. Note, this is NOT an attempt at setting you up to be bashed, and I ask other members to chill out with the wise ass comments as I want a serious back and forth with this member. Let's get started.
-The OP inquiry was for a reliable, smooth working upgrade from an Avenger, a roughly $300 gun. OP wanted durability, minimal maintanance requirements. Basically, a set and forget platform. Now I recommended the Taipan vet, - a gun you particularly can not stand as your frequent down thumbs whenever any posts about them are written. Your position being a "crap" design, Which seems to be your opinion on all bullpups. Here's why I say this. Your previous response with the Rich Rheam- if spelled right, video displaying his cocking difficulty. OK, fair enough, but that design is fairly old, 8-9 years I believe, well airguns were quite different back then. FX was the prominent company with the sidelever by the trigger at that time, maybe one or two others, brocock used a slide bolt type design for example. Anyways, at that time, it was similar to others, and YES, taipan is not one to be on the cutting edge of new developments, they always take their time doing changes, granted. I only mentioned that gun because it is a stable platform and can be had for $1000-1100 on the classifieds. I'm was giving the OP an option that would yield bang for the buck, and if they ended up hating it, could sell for minimal loss. There are others of course, but I know THAT brand well. Now, given your obvious exposure of the antiquated set up of the vet 1, the vet 2 has moved the cocking lever to the trigger position, you stipulated that was an "ammitace" to a flawed design on a crap gun I believe. Now here is where the discussion will be of interest.

The taipan 2 has a conventional set up same as many leading bullpups, a design you obviously despise, as per you mentioning the magazine bace by one's cheek. You stated I believe "Any gun that does not follow a firearm design is a faulty or crap design" - that was the main gist I got from your response. Well, many airgun folks do NOT care for a 4 foot airgun, hence the bullpup's popularity. Now if the taipan vet 2 design is inferior, as you allude to, so are others, such as the AGT Vulcan, Uragan, Edgun R5M, FX wildcat, Impact, Dreamline/dreamtac, Maverick, and on and on. You have the right to not approve bullpups, but most of us who opt for them want 500-700mm barrels and a gun LESS that 36" long, helps with manuevering big time with bumping the barrel. I'm in my 50's, nowhere near as young as I used to be.

Lastly, let's take your recommendations, 2 of them were the FX Crown- fine piece of machinery, and a Styer, another serious gun. I only critique them as such. Both are on the high end of the price scale, Crown is about $1900 base and Steyr as far as I know are north of $2000, Now feel free to correct if I'm incorrect. They are undoubtedly good guns, but may be in excess of the OP's budget. Secondly, I'm not certain of either guns ability to handle a barrel bump without having a POI shift, FX is highly susceptable to this, now maybe the crown barrel is more secured than most other FX, but I'm doubtful of this, I know nothing of Steyr, so you and others can elaborate.

So Goldwing, my fellow airgunner, I think I have explained why I feel that your comments on Taipan/Taipan 2 were inaccurate, In the future, you could consider responding to posts you disagree with by instead of "thumbs downing it" by posting "I'm not a fan of the bullpup design" and supply respective response, as is relevant in this post. With posts regarding obvious bullpups, I'm not sure the purpose , since you do not care for them. I await your response, 1 - because I'm interested, 2 - if bullpups are "crap" design in general, are all the FX I listed crap as well?
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@rangur1 just block gold wing, he has me blocked because he was put in his place for his childish antics. It would save you a lot of time. He doesn't have the knowledge, sense, or courtesy to respond in a worth while manner.
Well, I felt I would grant the opportunity for them to respond to their position in detail, without any name calling.
i too am blocked by gold wing, and I’m actually glad. The repetitive talk when any bull pup thread came up got very boring. I’m also not a huge fan of the bullpup platform, but I made my statement long ago, and that was it!
he must have a Boeing life to constantly push his OPINION on other people so much, that anything other than what he recommends is utter crap!
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Ok my fellow member, You have responded with your usual level of diplomacy. I will thereby expand on my position in the effort to hash out some points and would like hear your response to my specific points here. Note, this is NOT an attempt at setting you up to be bashed, and I ask other members to chill out with the wise ass comments as I want a serious back and forth with this member. Let's get started.
-The OP inquiry was for a reliable, smooth working upgrade from an Avenger, a roughly $300 gun. OP wanted durability, minimal maintanance requirements. Basically, a set and forget platform. Now I recommended the Taipan vet, - a gun you particularly can not stand as your frequent down thumbs whenever any posts about them are written. Your position being a "crap" design, Which seems to be your opinion on all bullpups. Here's why I say this. Your previous response with the Rich Rheam- if spelled right, video displaying his cocking difficulty. OK, fair enough, but that design is fairly old, 8-9 years I believe, well airguns were quite different back then. FX was the prominent company with the sidelever by the trigger at that time, maybe one or two others, brocock used a slide bolt type design for example. Anyways, at that time, it was similar to others, and YES, taipan is not one to be on the cutting edge of new developments, they always take their time doing changes, granted. I only mentioned that gun because it is a stable platform and can be had for $1000-1100 on the classifieds. I'm was giving the OP an option that would yield bang for the buck, and if they ended up hating it, could sell for minimal loss. There are others of course, but I know THAT brand well. Now, given your obvious exposure of the antiquated set up of the vet 1, the vet 2 has moved the cocking lever to the trigger position, you stipulated that was an "ammitace" to a flawed design on a crap gun I believe. Now here is where the discussion will be of interest.

The taipan 2 has a conventional set up same as many leading bullpups, a design you obviously despise, as per you mentioning the magazine bace by one's cheek. You stated I believe "Any gun that does not follow a firearm design is a faulty or crap design" - that was the main gist I got from your response. Well, many airgun folks do NOT care for a 4 foot airgun, hence the bullpup's popularity. Now if the taipan vet 2 design is inferior, as you allude to, so are others, such as the AGT Vulcan, Uragan, Edgun R5M, FX wildcat, Impact, Dreamline/dreamtac, Maverick, and on and on. You have the right to not approve bullpups, but most of us who opt for them want 500-700mm barrels and a gun LESS that 36" long, helps with manuevering big time with bumping the barrel. I'm in my 50's, nowhere near as young as I used to be.

Lastly, let's take your recommendations, 2 of them were the FX Crown- fine piece of machinery, and a Styer, another serious gun. I only critique them as such. Both are on the high end of the price scale, Crown is about $1900 base and Steyr as far as I know are north of $2000, Now feel free to correct if I'm incorrect. They are undoubtedly good guns, but may be in excess of the OP's budget. Secondly, I'm not certain of either guns ability to handle a barrel bump without having a POI shift, FX is highly susceptable to this, now maybe the crown barrel is more secured than most other FX, but I'm doubtful of this, I know nothing of Steyr, so you and others can elaborate.

So Goldwing, my fellow airgunner, I think I have explained why I feel that your comments on Taipan/Taipan 2 were inaccurate, In the future, you could consider responding to posts you disagree with by instead of "thumbs downing it" by posting "I'm not a fan of the bullpup design" and supply respective response, as is relevant in this post. With posts regarding obvious bullpups, I'm not sure the purpose , since you do not care for them. I await your response, 1 - because I'm interested, 2 - if bullpups are "crap" design in general, are all the FX I listed crap as well?
I really don't have the time or energy to go into depth on this and where not curing cancer and it just a fleeting hobby for many and in the scheme of life means noting at the end of the day.
I just know with my background in engineering and design you can see into things what stands out as good or bad
I will say the best part of the Taipan is the CZ barrel that Taipan doesn't even get credit for, not being his, riding on the back of others success
talk about a GREAT engineered design, the Taipan can be de-cocked and re-cocked and still not double feed. and I only recall one thread about having a problem with their advance mechanism, only one ping

I truly like guns that have a wheel magazine that the gun advances rather than a wound up spring, that is MY preference, not saying it is better, just what I like
And the trigger is sublime,,, the entire gun is well machined Quality

Taipan is NOT the only Quality built gun, but it is one of them,,, seems Europe has done well in the game, but I have a low opinion of the Turkey and China brands, I have bought a few. Like I said ,my OPINION and I am responsible for keeping it clean

forget about curing cancer ,,, the AMA will sue you to oblivion, soup nazis, no cure for you, but they will treat it till you are broke $$$
as being as AAA doesn’t make a 25cal yet, I’d also recommend the veteran. Others I’d recommend is the new brk line, and Raw. All tend to be more rugged than FX (sorry not sorry).
The end of this year looks bright for AAA as they’ve said they will have a 25 cal offering. I will be one of the first to buy. In the mean time, I’ll be using my vet that I just installed the tactical chassis on to fit ME better. Rear cocking isn’t an issue with the trouble free stupid accuracy of the vet. You won’t need a quick follow up shot!!

View attachment 378026
Love that tactical taipan,....so minimalistic.
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