An acquaintance of mine asked for my advice on buying a "pellet gun" for plinking and maybe dispatching the occasional pest, but doesn't want to spend more than $200. For me, the answer was simple: Spend more money and buy an HW30 or HW50 that you can pass along to your children's children. Unfortunately there are two problems:
- I can't seem to move him off the $100-$200 range. He says he's willing to pay more for a "quality" gun, but in his mind, that means the "top" end of the range that he's seen (at big box stores), so like $200.
- Even if I could get some movement from him, anyone notice that Krale has increased their prices a LOT in the last 2 months or so? An HW30 was about $250 shipped about a month ago; now it's over $300 and the exchange rate is better than ever!
Bottom line, if you HAD to buy a new gun for under $200 and live with it as-is, what would it be? He doesn't care about a scope, so no need to worry about that, and isn't focused on power - just trying to get the best shooting experience for under $200.
EDIT based on some early responses: Or is a multi-pump the better choice in this price point?