Best bull pup for lefties

I find myself in need of a good .25 cal air rifle that has accuracy first and most important, decent shot count, and power. The warden has granted me permission to spend the money on something that I won't be dropping extra money and time into turning it into what I could have started out buying to begin with. . She got sick of the time and money I ended up spending on my .22 marauder to get it the way I wanted. It's everything I ever wanted from that rifle now :) Being left handed, I've always been weary about buying a bull pup because they are predominantly right handed. I've read that lefties have loved right handed bull pups, so I'm ready to take the plunge into the bull pup world. My question is for the left handed shooters and is what bull pup has worked best for you that is accurate at 50 yards (1/2" groups), has a decent shot count (I will be hand pumping), and has enough power to cleanly kill mid size innocent woodland creatures past 50 yards (this rifle isn't for punching paper)? My marauder is shooting 1/2" 10 shot groups at 50 yards, getting 30 shots per fill, and shooting at 30 ft lbs. I have to make sure I place my shot exactly where I want it at distance (which is not an issue), but I would like a .25 with good power so my shot placement isn't as critical and more damage is done to get the most clean kill I can. 
I bought a .25 caliber Vulcan. I have not received it yet but it is going to be here any day now and I'll probably do a write up on it. But the gun has a forward bolt cocking system that you can switch from the left or right side. So this means if your a left hander like yourself you can have the bolt on whatever side of the gun you like. Also with it being forward its not like other bullpubs where you have to reach back by your face to cock a side lever or bolt. It should have about 60 consistent shots it fills up to 3600 psi i think that's 300 bar. And they say this gun get's one hole groups at fifty yards i haven't tried it yet i tend to soon but because of it's price range it better. From what I've seen most of the guns in .25 are shooting at about 890's to 930 fps so that's around the 50 ft lb area. Hope this helps you out some in a couple of weeks i will probably have some first hand experience with it and i will write up a review. Hope this helps,
It really depends if you want the bolt/lever on the right or left. I am left handed and prefer the lever on the right-hand side ( for a righty). This means the choices would be the Wildcat or the Vulcan. If you don't mind the lever on the left hand side many of the of the levers/bolts can be changed. You would need to talk to the dealers as to which of the other ones can be reversed. If it can't be reversed the lever would be digging into your shoulder. I looked at the Cricket bullpup with the lever on the right-hand side and it was uncomfortable to shoulder.
"NMshooter"It really depends if you want the bolt/lever on the right or left. I am left handed and prefer the lever on the right-hand side ( for a righty). This means the choices would be the Wildcat or the Vulcan. If you don't mind the lever on the left hand side many of the of the levers/bolts can be changed. You would need to talk to the dealers as to which of the other ones can be reversed. If it can't be reversed the lever would be digging into your shoulder. I looked at the Cricket bullpup with the lever on the right-hand side and it was uncomfortable to shoulder.
I second what NMshooter (Doc) said. Look at the rifles with the bolt handle/lever more forward. There may be others, but look at the Vulcan (my top choice at the moment),Wildcat, or wait for the new Impact.

Another consideration is the magazine design and location. They all seem to be located in a right hand favored location. I haven't shot the Wildcat, but my concern (from a lefty perspective) with it is the magazine. It appears that it has exposed moving parts that may make resting your cheek on the rest and working the action difficult or painful. The Vulcan, on the other hand, appears to have enclosed moving parts which would protect you from resting your cheek on the moving parts of the magazine.

I could be totally wrong about the magazine designs, but that's what it looks like to me. Not sure about the Impact magazine design.
I looked at the Vulcan, but I don't think it is for me. The fill pressure is a little too high for me to hand pump. I did have a pony bottle, but I only got around 7 fills on my marauder with it and trying to track down the guy to fill it in my area was too much of a pain because he chose his hours of operation on how he felt that day. So I bought a pump and it really isn't that bad until I get into tuning my marauder. I also attempted to look at the EDgun Matador, but it just seems like too much of a hassle to try and track down a seller. If I can't readily buy the rifle and parts, then it's not for me. So far, I've narrowed it down to the Bobcat MkII and the Wildcat. There are things on each rifle I love and things I don't. I've shouldered a Bobcat a few months ago, and it was comfortable. Shouldering for a minute and a day's worth of plinking/hunting are two different stories. I love how the Bobcat has adjustable power. I love the Wildcats lever placement. My head hurts trying to decide. The Cricket is in the contention as well. Did I say my head hurts?
I'm not sure if through Wildcat lever is able to move from left to right configuration, but the Vulcan and Taipan can. The Taipan isn't in .25 at this time and don't know if they will. As for fill pressure just because is says 250 max doesn't mean you have to go there. I have a cricket which is rated 300 but rarely go past 210-220 and about the same on my Vulcan .25. Goodluck.
I've looked into the Krosa, but it seems as if it is shooting too hot. Some guys have trimmed a few coils off of the hammer spring. I really don't want to tinker with my new rifle because I have my marauder that I do enough tinkering with. The Wildcat seems like a really nice rifle, but I would like a few more shots and the mag seems like I would get my beard tangled in it easily and I refuse to cut my beard. I believe I have decided what bull pup to get. The Bobcat MkII. It has an amazing shot count that I only have to pump up to 3,200 psi, it has extreme accuracy, and I'm really liking the fact it has adjustable power that works well. It has enough power for what I need in a .25 cal and parts/service are easily attained. I have shouldered it for a few minutes and I didn't think the side lever was too uncomfortable. I'm sure I'll adapt to the side lever placement because being a leftie, I'm use to making changes to shoot a rifle. Now comes the part where I have to choose a scope. It never ends :)