Best gun for JSBs 34 g pellets

I find myself with sort of a reverse problem. usually you get a gun, then test various pellets to see what it really likes. now i'm trying to do the opposite. currently I have a 25 WC and it shoots the 34g pellets very well, but at only 790 fps (47 ft/lbs). my thinking is that if I could get this pellet going at about 890 and not lose accuracy, now what a winner that would be. we are talking about 60 ft/lbs and I cant seem to find a gun that will do this. any suggestion/comments welcome. tia
Michael has the speed for the Impact on his video. It was somewhere in that range. But it seems few .25s can muster the juice to get these above 800fps. I think this is going to be a challenge for the manufacturers. My Mrod shoots 31gr Barracudas at about 805 (factory setting). And they buck the wind a lot better than the 25gr jsbs. A 34 gr flying well over 800 would be awesome.
Ernest Rowe has done some 65-70 foot pound tuning on the Cricket. I remember Matt from WWAG posting some of the first results with a 65 FPE gun, he was very happy and was selling off all his 25.3's. My Cricket shoots at 883, and with a scope height of 2.35" there is nothing I would change. I played with the Sumatra doing two six shot mags then airing up. I've read of 73 FPE, using a 2.5x50 Yukon with a 2x extender I shoot reflective strips about 3/8" sq. At a 25 yard zero, shooting out to 40 with less than a 1" rise.. I was pretty happy with the groups. I think you'll see some interesting videos from Ted, and with the power options the FX Impact might emerge as the winner.
My RAW HM1000x .30cal converted to .25 spits out the king heavies at 929fps without touching factory settings for .30cal. Standard kings are leaving the muzzle at 1010fps, but they don't shoot well at that speed.
That's 65 ft/lbs. Common group size is around 1/2" at 50m. Awesome gun, best I ever had.
My heavily modified Steyr LG110 hunting shot them at 836 fps, that makes 52.8 ft/lbs

My first intention was to convert an FX Boss to 25cal. to get the king heavies at the desired speed (270m/s) but I'm glad I have chosen the RAW. It is a lot more expensive, but it's worth it IMO.
Way better finish, and it feels a lot more solid than the Boss.
Not a bad word about the Boss though, I've owned one, and it regularly printed 1/2"-1" groups at 100m.