best materials to clean you barrel

Myself not being a Germaphobe never really think about it. We Breath all sorts of stuff rained down by chemtrails sprayed above us so.... lol

Lead particles aren't germs, and its best to be cautious around their particulates. Exposure can occur through not just breathing, but dermal absorption, I mean, I handle lead pellets but I don't wanna handle the acclimation of the particulate matter, even more so if you have children around, as they won't know better.

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I like the Patchworm, but heavy fishing line works as well. I've used a bore snake, and it works well. However, it is such a tight fit (even with brushes removed), that I felt the need to remove the breech seal O ring to avoid damage, so I usually replaced it. But I rarely see the need to use anything more aggressive than merely pulling a snug fitting patch through from breech to muzzle. If a barrel needs more, I remove it and clean with a rod and nylon brush. I rarely find this method necessary. Yes, the bore snake can be washed, but I never feel like I'm getting it thoroughly clean, and it's just more trouble than I believe it's worth. But then I'm naturally lazy. I'm also lucky to have barrels that don't seem to need much maintenance. Perhaps my evaluation is influenced by my laziness, but they shoot well.
Informational, Educational, or Confrontational comes to mind.

How about, we stay on topic, and not attempt to mock others opinions...especially when it comes to potential harmful lead exposure to yourself or your children, handling lead projectiles is one thing, handling the particulates they accumulate within a barrel is another...

Patchworm kit and a small bottle of ballistol is all you need.

I feed in from the from the breach with the patch on it then just pull the patch through , just like the directions say , that way you not taking any chance of dirt fouling the trigger ir anything . the dirty patch comes out the muzzle end .
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do not clean frome the Muzzle to the breach !! your taking a chance on any dirt falling into the works (trigger etc .)
Genuine question how would anything fall into the trigger mechanism? I can see a potential for things falling inside of the transfer port and such, although I've never had that issue
Genuine question how would anything fall into the trigger mechanism? I can see a potential for things falling inside of the transfer port and such, although I've never had that issue
i said etc. the patch comes out after the transfer port and into the loading area where the loose dirt could migrate to other places .
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I have yet to see mention of cleaning pellets, while I never used them personally, I've heard good things, provided you only need a light cleaning.

felt pellets are like using a feather duster on dried mud ...doesn't do much.