Definitely agree on the low profit margin on the compressors. A range of compressors to choose from would be nice. It seems like, on this forum anyway, that every HPA compressor on the market has just as manyThe compressors themselves I would probably make maybe 10% on at the most. With that said I see bigger change selling someone on a $1,500-2,000 rifle yet not have a way for them to charge the tank. The guns are where any decent profit would be made. I don't see making any real money on the compressors but they are essential for the guns is the thing.

So picking one to carry that won’t compromise the good name and reputation of your shop would be a challenge.
For customers within 15-30 minutes away from your shop would be good for SCBA refills from your store compressor. But from what I read on AGN it seems like most airgunners have their own compressor of one brand or another.
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