When is the last time you saw U S A compete on anything ??Which is the best of the oilless compressors is equivalent to asking what is the least objectionable terminal disease. Oilless compressors are overstressed and under designed in order to meet a mass market sales price point. What other tool would be worth buying if the owner knew it would have a typical usable life span of 20 hours or less? The best oilless compressor is one you don't buy. Oilless compressor owners are happy to post after the first few successful fills. Longevity and reliability are a different story. Generating 4500 psi is very difficult to do reliably at a mass market price point.
Several years ago the Shoebox compressor was a simple, reliable, booster compressor that was run out of the market by the flood of chinese compressors that undercut their market share. It would have been nice if a U.S. manufacturer licensed the Shoebox and brought out a compressor based upon a similar updated design.
An offensive question to someone who is in manufacturing in the USA. Thank you for asking it. Got me to think about which projects I take and where my competitive advantages lie.When is the last time you saw U S A compete on anything ??
There certainly are many companies world wide that have moved manufacturing operations to foreign countries. There is a history of reasons beyond implied greed for this...not for this forum IMO.That is what I am talking about American Companys send everything to China to make a buck
now almost everything is made in China and now they can charge what they want because
America can not compete with what they set up China with .
Thank you. I do want to clarify the lack of liability. The companies private labeling Chinese compressors may be able to escape warranty claims liability but the product liability in case of injury will nail them between the eyes. I had to fight a product liability lawsuit for a Chinese knockoff of one of my customer's products. The Plaintiff's attorney simply said pay us because it will cost you more to prove in court that the defective item is a "clone" rather than your product. Now sellers on Amazon/Ebay/Craigslist can be fly by night People/companies will simply fold up and disappear in case of product liability. Pyramidair/AOA/AirVenturi will have to fight/fund the lawsuit in order to stay in business. If they have a Zero liability agreement then they will have to try to collect from their supplier. I'm sure they have proper product liability insurance because they do want to stay in business (which by the way is part of the markup on the rebranded Tuxings). This is also something to consider when buying any high pressure device - If you buy from a legitimate US vendor there is someone to sue, if you buy on AliExpress there is no one to sue and you could be buying a cheap knockoff of an already cheap chinese product or worse yet a "second" of item that didn't pass inspection. We destroy anything that doesn't pass inspection, in other places they sell it at a discount regardless of any safety issues (all material and labor were invested it's painful to add destruction labor and throw it in the trash).There certainly are many companies world wide that have moved manufacturing operations to foreign countries. There is a history of reasons beyond implied greed for this...not for this forum IMO.
Specifically for PCP compressors, the reason the USA manufactured systems are far more expensive spans a wide variety not the least of which is liability. The lions share of the market is sub $1k. There will be Zero manufactured USA products in this arena; liability far exceeds projected margin. The gun is the same to a degree. Why is this...again not for this forum, short answer is consumerism trends over the last 50 years.
What I object to and find disturbing is the trend for Brand Naming or other weasel tactics not employed giving users an impression that a US company or entity had their hands in the Exclusive design they are offering. This is Twaddle..they bear ZERO liability for use, quality, warranty etc....and Specifically have their company held Harmless in the event of any Injury, death, loss of income, and finally your being passed they can't or won't fix it or treat you however they choose...spend more get more but you must pump my sunshine to all.
I'm off my horse. I worked in China and many other countries...there is more to it than USA manufacturers being greedy...just ask GM.
I did all that with my Yong Heng and it lasted 7.5 hoursCody,
Heat is an enemy to the HPA compressor, the Yong Heng's longevity derives from cooling provided by water, crankcase oil and a fan. Many owners enhance this with ice, additional fans and careful usage. The waterless/oil-less compressors cool only with high-speed fans and have a limited lifespan, 20 hours, or so, a year to year and a half, with rare rebuilding success. You'll have to determine which program you feel is best to offer your customers. Your search for a waterless/oil-less compressor, with the longevity of a Yong Heng, might be unrealistic. WM
I think to buy a $4k compressor and fill their tanks free for 6 months , provide a list of where to buy a tank set up . or deal with this guy . http://www.airtanksforsale.com/ or maybe rent to buy a tank system ?The compressors themselves I would probably make maybe 10% on at the most. With that said I see bigger change selling someone on a $1,500-2,000 rifle yet not have a way for them to charge the tank. The guns are where any decent profit would be made. I don't see making any real money on the compressors but they are essential for the guns is the thing.
Guilty or not it's easy to get an attorney for representation. The Rebranded suppliers no doubt carry significant liability insurance and in each and every case there is a Hold Harmless clause protecting them but what in reality it does is try to limit their ability...and judgement. People who use product improperly and cause harm should not be rewarded but reality does not enter here and judgements are made against Hold Harmless suppliers of foreign goods and yes that added cost is reflected in the product price. What the specific PCP foreign compressor manufacturers will bear is ZERO. They will get renamed under a new company and yet again establish USA suppliers with signed agreements that are in effect worthless to a consumer. But the Unscrupulous supplier ( and not all are) will set out to sell his foreign product with exclusivity in territory thereby handcuffing any customer to them for the duration of their contract and treat them as they see fit. Tuxing for example brand names for many suppliers...they will openly advise you of this if asked...in their manufacturing environment a running change in production to add this gage or that switch etc...is no big deal and allows for their happy USA vendors to Showoff Their new design and when pushed advise it's made exclusively for them...they won't say by who. Eyes wide open we as consumers should be respected enough to be given full disclosure of manufacturer so we can set out to make informed choices.Thank you. I do want to clarify the lack of liability. The companies private labeling Chinese compressors may be able to escape warranty claims liability but the product liability in case of injury will nail them between the eyes. I had to fight a product liability lawsuit for a Chinese knockoff of one of my customer's products. The Plaintiff's attorney simply said pay us because it will cost you more to prove in court that the defective item is a "clone" rather than your product. Now sellers on Amazon/Ebay/Craigslist can be fly by night People/companies will simply fold up and disappear in case of product liability. Pyramidair/AOA/AirVenturi will have to fight/fund the lawsuit in order to stay in business. If they have a Zero liability agreement then they will have to try to collect from their supplier. I'm sure they have proper product liability insurance because they do want to stay in business (which by the way is part of the markup on the rebranded Tuxings). This is also something to consider when buying any high pressure device - If you buy from a legitimate US vendor there is someone to sue, if you buy on AliExpress there is no one to sue and you could be buying a cheap knockoff of an already cheap chinese product or worse yet a "second" of item that didn't pass inspection. We destroy anything that doesn't pass inspection, in other places they sell it at a discount regardless of any safety issues (all material and labor were invested it's painful to add destruction labor and throw it in the trash).
What is the name of the ebay seller? I see many similar units but none actually branded Yong Heng.Just disassembled the Yong Heng portable. Available for $235 on eBay. Seems like a strong contender. Bought it for curiosity. 3-stage compression like Tuxing 062 but a better design on the pumping side. Doesn't have the second-stage water separator like the Tuxing but the piston rod is much better designed and it looks like it takes 9.7mm high-pressure piston rings. Less vibration and is quieter than the tuxing.
What is the name of the ebay seller? I see many similar units but none actually branded Yong Heng.
Yes thats the one. Clicked link and it said I purchased it.Dorcula
I don't know if this is the one referenced in the post, but I ran across this one on eBay:
CREWORKS 12V PCP Air Compressor 30Mpa/4500Psi Auto-Stop High Pressure Air Rifle | eBay
Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for CREWORKS 12V PCP Air Compressor 30Mpa/4500Psi Auto-Stop High Pressure Air Rifle at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!www.ebay.com