• *The discussion of the creation, fabrication, or modification of airgun moderators is prohibited. The discussion of any "adapters" used to convert an airgun moderator to a firearm silencer will result in immediate termination of the account.*

Best / quietest mod for an fx impact m4 .22?


Aug 13, 2024
Looking for a moderator for a new .22.
I bought a cheap buck rail for $50 delivered and it has a distinct ping at every shot.
So... give me your advice please.
I know bigger is quieter but, how big do I need to go?
Shooting 34-40 gr slugs at max setting on a stock gun.

Looking for a moderator for a new .22.
I bought a cheap buck rail for $50 delivered and it has a distinct ping at every shot.
So... give me your advice please.
I know bigger is quieter but, how big do I need to go?
Shooting 34-40 gr slugs at max setting on a stock gun.

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HUMA moderators have worked the best in most of the airguns I use,.otherwise go for an STO moderator. The website name is Silent Thunder Ordinance