N/A Best semi auto pcp airguns that are reliable ?

Are there any that can compete with FX Impact M3 or Daystate for accuracy out to/beyond 150m?

I’ve been looking at the Western Rattler .357 for long range target competition but I think I’m probably better served by an FX Dynamic/Impact/Panthera or Daystate if I want to have a chance competitively.

Note: I used to shoot .308 and larger caliber long distance competitively in and after my military service and miss the competition. I’m not in a lifestyle that is amenable to full gun culture, so I’m embracing PCP life.
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I have this itch for a semi-auto, in .22. Been looking at Huben K1 and the Kalibrgun Springbok. I shoot benchrest and have several top tier guns, a few Redwolfs, Vulcan 3, Raw tm1000 and a couple more, but don't want to spend a bunch of loot on a shotgun. Are these 2 options as accurate as a benchrest gun?
I heard that the early Hubens were terrible, but the latest ones were much improved, and the Springbok is fairly new, but I know the Kalibrguns are very accurate. Which one to choose? Advise please all you clever guys!
I have this itch for a semi-auto, in .22. Been looking at Huben K1 and the Kalibrgun Springbok. I shoot benchrest and have several top tier guns, a few Redwolfs, Vulcan 3, Raw tm1000 and a couple more, but don't want to spend a bunch of loot on a shotgun. Are these 2 options as accurate as a benchrest gun?
I heard that the early Hubens were terrible, but the latest ones were much improved, and the Springbok is fairly new, but I know the Kalibrguns are very accurate. Which one to choose? Advise please all you clever guys!
By my standards my Huben is very accurate. It shoots MOA at 50 yards more often than not. I'd put it on par accuracy wise with my AA S410, although the S410 does have a superior trigger.