I’ve only shot Javelin Slugs out of my Wildcat in .217 diameter but have been wanting to try some other options as well. I’ve shot 30gn/950fps and done well (30 groundhogs last season), and this year I switched to 26gn/997fps to flatten my trajectory a bit. I do have the slug power kit installed, and the stock Superior barrel.
More curious about different diameters than anything else. I bought .217 because that’s what the shop said generally shoots well. Will I notice a huge difference going down to a .2165 or up to a .218?
Hoping someone else has already done the testing and can save me the money in slugs lol.
More curious about different diameters than anything else. I bought .217 because that’s what the shop said generally shoots well. Will I notice a huge difference going down to a .2165 or up to a .218?
Hoping someone else has already done the testing and can save me the money in slugs lol.