Best way to clean out inside of a CF cylinder/bottle

Hey, anyone rinse out the inside of their carbon fiber pcp mount bottle? I believe I had a tiny leak in mine, so I disassembled the valve from the bottle, and brushed off all the old locktite (FX pcp bottle, 580cc) and feel I need to rinse the inside with something to make sure all that old dried locktite is out of the cylinder. 
im curious as to what’s the best method.

thank you
Augie, you can use a mild dish soap solution & rinse it out well. Turn bottle upside down & let a hair dryer blow up into it on med heat for 15-20 minutes. Basically the same way tanks are dried after hydrotesting. 10-15 minutes ought to be enough for it to be bone dry. Use a bottle brush too with the soap solution if you have one. 
Augie I would stay from solvents I have no idea if they might work on the binding of the carbon wraps. Perhaps someone out there does. I would use Water & alcohol. Alcohol 1st for a quick rinse and dump it then water rinse. Pour it all out it all over a white cloth like a pillowcase to see what if anything was in there. Alcohol evaporates quickly and any that's left should combine with the water leaving no residual liquids coating the interior. That's my thoughts.
Augie I would stay from solvents I have no idea if they might work on the binding of the carbon wraps. Perhaps someone out there does. I would use Water & alcohol. Alcohol 1st for a quick rinse and dump it then water rinse. Pour it all out it all over a white cloth like a pillowcase to see what if anything was in there. Alcohol evaporates quickly and any that's left should combine with the water leaving no residual liquids coating the interior. That's my thoughts.

Are you saying if it got in exterior of bottle. As I always thought interior was aluminum bladder.