Better Sights for HW45

they make a non FOS for the rear and T.W. Chambers list them but they are out of stock

but you are stick with the fiber optic front, I guess the front rod could be replaced with something in black or painted

I'm with you, I dislike fiber optic sight, i find them very imprecise

so with the pound to dollar conversion and shipping that sight at TW Chambers is over 50.00 bucks if they had one

another source should be out there but where I'm not sure

Waffencenter Gotha could get them but shipping would take the fun out of that

about all I have

take care

The first link is broken somehow but I'm familiar with the company. Anyway I believe they have the old sight without fiber optics which is better, but I would really like to get my hands on Olympic level match sights. Much wider blades. Aids paper punching enormously. Just another wish for something that doesn't exist I suppose. I may end up using a scope which I don't particularly like but it's better than what's on it. Thanks for the effort.
I see that it didn't keep the parts breakdown page

I grabbed my HW 75 which has the same sights as the 45 and that will be a dream not a reality to have match grade sights

for one thing is they have to set very low to work with the front sight and target sight set up high and proud

so the question is could it be done and the answer is yes but at what cost you need and a new top a rear sight, some one that can mill the top to mount the sight and then you would have to look into making a new front sight or finding by luck, something that would work with the rear 

the parts and pieces

cocking arm 70 bucks +or-, rear sight, what would you use, maybe a IZH 46m rear sight, I would have to pull mine out and look, 65-80-90 sights won't work, Diana 6 and 10 sights won't either, the sights on the Czech pistol could work but they might be hard to find and they set high on the pistols , so let say another 70 bucks for a rear sight from somewhere , milling work unknown cost, front sight unknown cost

so where does that leave you beside an expensive project with an unknown amount of R&D work

oh don't get me wrong it is a very interesting idea and I understand the why but the how to part has me scratching my head

so just my opinion, if I had a mill and the money and wasn't almost 70 I might try it myself

but in any case take care

something like a BoMar rear sight with the dovetail milled off and cut as low in the upper frame would be a nice change but the front sight would still need dealing with

a front sight off a Ruger 2245 might be a starting point

the thing with odd projects that have not been done or publisted is a good imagination and because sometimes we don't have the money to have someone do the work and we need to reuse off the shelf items, it is my MO because I have good ideas but lack a mill and lathe to make the project simple

an idea that is had and tested was using billow blocks as a lathe and or cut off system, powered with a cordless drill but then again you have to make up a tool without the right tool

we can only try and do our best


I have some of these base, I bought them for no real reason, I thought they could be used down the road

so the HW45 rear sight slot is 9mm + or - and these bases are 12.76mm and 7.07mm in thickness and designed for a 1 inch tube or there about

but the base could be made to be 9mm to fit in the empty rear sight area and cut as needed for a Williams sight and that would be target enough

you can cut these down on router table use a 1/8 mill bit or a table saw because they are aluminum

so with that done you are down to the front sight

these bases are cheap and on sale

it's a good starting point, without any mods to the factory pistol just to the base it just needs some more R&D

what if the front sight was extended out over the front of the pistol to lengthen the sight radius and to leave the factory front sight in place, still work on the details

again just ideas but I'm a dog with a bone sometimes
You have a heck of lot more patience and talent than I have Mike. I wouldn't dream of attempting such a thing. Probably I'll either find something else or just scope it. After getting used to 10 meter match sights I find it hard to tolerate anything less. I've been trying to find a CO2 Tau 7 or Alpha Proj with no luck so far. Since the pistol would only be used indoors CO2 should work fine. Thanks for taking the time to help. I'm not a tinkerer though. I've learned the hard way that I'd best leave well enough alone and let those with the requisite skills attempt mods like you've described. I'd mess it up sure as sunrise.
well they sell the Alpha Proj made in China model in Canada and it's called the Victor on sale right now in black and blue but those grips are not wood but plastic

I know what you mean about good sights, it is the down fall of many good guns and I have many that became projects with no outcome but I tried

by the way that Canadian company has first class service

take care and with your idea I have another project, maybe, just to think about
