Beware of scammers!

A rule of thumb: if the price it too good to be's very likely not true. They appeal to people's greed...often successfully. With higher value items, recommend direct phone call with the individual. Full name and address. No cut-out person or middleman address/drop off location, PO Box, etc.

It's good hat you did your due-diligence and searched!

Brad is a busy guy. Unlike pretty much everything these days he started AA NOT to make money ( wow huh? ) but rather to help folks who might be into airguns. Haave you read the many many airgun articles ? Do you remember airguns before 2000 ? Ever use the first airgun calculators posted on line? Again the first web site to help us all, on and on.
AA web site is NOT a business ( at least not by design, sure "click" ad's are now present, tis the way it is as time moves forward) but keeping it running is a full time job, along with his real full time+ job, the Church, family ,....
When you notifie ( "them" nope ) him of a bad ad, IF he is around w/time & access - not like you can fix thing from your Job- when you inform him of a bad ad it is gone in seconds.
Now this is just my opinion but folks need to look out for them selves a bit ( like you did with the picture search) and take responsibility for their own decisions.

It's not a business, it is a gracious gift to airgunners. I personally have had a solid 200+ deals on "that site" and not one bad deal. Only ever had 2 problems buying/selling airguns and both were from Forums.

A couple of decades of just helping people, what is wrong with "them"?


I think I just saw that Ad..

I've always been told there is a "special place in H$)!" for people like that.
But he could have rifle for $300.