• The buying, selling, trading, or gifting of a standalone airgun moderator is prohibited in the Classified section. An airgun moderator may be included in your ad ONLY if it is "affixed" to the airgun. Please review the updated Classified Rules and Known Scammers List before engaging in ANY transaction.

Feedback Beware SCAMMER user \"johngrips\"

So guys I made a post about me wanting to buy a .22 cal Umarex Gaunlet and this "johngrips" character reached me out telling me this one guy had a .22 cal Gaunlet so I reached him ou. He send me pictures of the rifle. So I said ok to purchesing for $200 and now the guy won't respond at all he wont refund my money. He has been ignoring me period. After the money was sent. This is the guys email. [email protected] and this is the text me number....281-942-7156 he goes by Robert Clark PayPal. If anyone can help me with this situation it will be much appreciated.

I tracked that number to a landline in Texas but that guy is real smart to pick a name that THOUSANDS also share and that search I paid for came up empty aside from stating It was a landline so it's a start for you and no history on record about that email account so it must be a new one so not even the MAFIA can help. What is this AGN user's name-handle?
BTW that trial search RIPPED ME OFF too! That was a $1.00 trial and I'm running on prepaid debit cards now since my CC can no longer be used and that took the last of the couple bucks I had when I went to McDonald's right after just to use the rest up it was DECLINED so I paid cash for my food. These prepaid debit cards can't be refilled so no disputing and SOL. Use a CC that you can dispute the charge if you get ripped off when paying for lookup information as reverse phone number that YOU NEED TO DO. If you DON'T successfully find that guy then dispute that charge. It's that simple you paid for a service for detailed information that you didn't get.
Go ahead and post all of the pictures this scammer sent you and maybe someone can recognize them on another solicitation and possibly the background scenery too it may help and worth it to post. Someone else may have his real name and email. Get in contact with Rustyshakelford(spelling?) Member here compare phone numbers and pictures because that Gauntlet sounds awfully familiar and that story is just another deja vu and find it easy pickings here. 
I got a similar message from a member richardtx asking me to reach out to an person/email ID in Texas for a scope. When I tried viewing the profile of richardtx, I am unable to find him. Looks like a scam. Screenshots attached.

