Big Ground Hog Bites the Pellet

Looked out my window, what did I see? Yup. Which gun?! Which gun!? Oh, yeah, I was shooting the D460 yesterday with JSB 15.89 grain pellets at 25 yards and zeroed it for that. Dig around and find the pellets. GHog was facing away at a pretty steep angle and I was above the hog by 15 feet or so (shooting from a window up stairs). I put the pellet just over the right shoulder angling down into the neck and forward into the cranium. Instant death. The hog never moved. Just relaxed and went to that green pasture in the sky. I put one more into the right ear to make sure but the first shot did the whole job. This hog was heavy. I'd say fifteen pounds maybe more.
"FJ4t"Very nice Oldspook. These are my favorite air rifle quarry and the reason I opted for the .30 cal. It dispatches them very nicely.Here are a couple I got earlier this spring
Very nice. The one closest in the picture looks to be almost exactly the same angle I had on the one I took today. It's not a .30 or a PCP but that D460 .22 of mine would be pretty certain medicine out to about forty or fifty yards I suppose (head shots only).
"spectr17"Nice chootin. Man I miss shooting whistlepigs, we dont have them in Socal.
Aye "Whistle Pigs" most folks don't know why they are called that. When I stalk them with a rimfire I'll carry an empty case in my pocket because it makes a perfect whistle. One short blow and every "Whistle Pig" in the field will stand up trying to figure out which one of them sounded the alarm.
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