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Big Rat in the Patio

A Big Rat was in the Patio I had My Remote Control Mrod setup and I slept right through the video alarm, I had it set to low, Doh........😖, I reset everything this morning to get the Rat tonight, 

Big Patio Rat


Remote Control Mrod
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One lucky Rat....... at 12 midnight it showed up and it was in the Zone for the kill and I flipped the switch and "Missed"...?😨, Some how It missed the Rat, I had set the POI earlier and did a test shot and it was just right, but when I checked the Back board the POI was low, it went under the Rat...????? the only thing I can think of is the Rat might have climbed on to the Gun and caused the POI to be lower than originally set, it was poking around the patio quite a bit, any how I reset everything and the Rat never came back, so I will try again tonight.

here's the Miss video

This is great entertainment! 

I think this would be a good application for a laser sight . (You know , because you don’t already have enough stuff on your gun : ) I have found them to be effective when your shooting at one known set distance. Thanks for sharing ! We are all rooting for ya 👍

Edit: Your already running night vision. Use an IR laser. The rats will see any visible laser. 
well did you get him yet?

Nope, I had another shot at him and it missed too, he heard the servo and jumped out of the way just in time, he is a hard target, he didn't even show up last night, I'll give him time to get the Skittish out and then I'll throw him for a loop and change POI on him, I'll put it right where he likes to sniff from..... I ain't given up yet, sooner or later he will be a Dead Rat......😁