Big River Pest Abatement first commision

My business card paid off today. Got a skunk removal done right after work, this a.m. Ended up removing the pest from my own ATV shed :D I hope the landowner gives me a decent review on Yelp!

I was making the rounds to check my rat traps; no joy on those, 3 days in a row have found them popped but no dead ones... The little female chihuahua/beagle cross had a skunk all riled up back in a dark corner. I nearly walked into the fatal funnel before i saw the black and white terrorist. The pup kept the stinker busy while I retrieved the M-rod and some pellets from the big house. I just upped the scope game for that rifle with a nice meaty 5-25x50 Discovery HD and did a quick setup at 40 yards. This gun fight had to be at 6 yards for me to see the target over the lawn mower and under the work bench in the unlit shed. The pup harried the skunk like a champ! She got the bandit to turn sideways to me for a good view..... and the unknown hold under sent the .25 AA diabolo ricocheting off the floor and wall and other wall ( twice :( ) The third volley was sighted along the side of the barrel and into the chest cavity . End of negotiations. No return fire from the skunk. I will give it some time to get a little deader, then it's gonna get tripple bagged and tossed into the trash. Trash man came by yesterday, of course! 

It was a nice way to start the weekend.
tripple bagged and tossed into the trash. Trash man came by yesterday, of course! 
It was a nice way to start the weekend.

Nice going, did the skunk spray at all..?

I also hate when the trash isn't coming for a few days and got a stinking pest ready to go.

Lately been keeping the bait station full for days before trash day but letting them get comfortable with the bait station. Then the day before trash day I get them all, double bagged and ready for the land fill... Hate when they sit in the trash for many days with the unmistakable stench emanating from a double bagger... At least this time of year its getting less heat/stink, summer its the worst.

Lately it seems the day before trash day only about half the usual bait station participants show up. I'm thinking some of the smarter nutters know what day trash day is and stay far away, they might have my pesting schedule figured out,,, lol

Might have to change up things a little for the smarter nutters now that he heat of summer is gone.
Seems to me you'd KNOW if the dogs got hit, LOL! I once let my dog out in the middle of the night to chase off a varmint bothering the chickens-the dog got nailed by a skunk point blank and immediately ran back into the house and under the bed where she rubbed her face all over the floor trying to get rid of the spray! I slept on the floor in the living room for a week......another time we were out on a walk and encountered a skunk-the dog dodged the spray which drifted downwind and got me. I could still smell the tarry scent after 3 showers and a change of clothes! Powerful stuff. 
and the unknown hold under sent the .25 AA diabolo ricocheting off the floor and wall and other wall ( twice

At ultra close distances (closer than your near zero) you'd be using a hold over.  

For my setup at 6 yards I would use the hold over for a 130yd shot (+6 mil)

Good story though.