Bitten by the BUG? The airgun bug that is!

As the title states, I have been bitten by the bug. I have been a shooter since 9 years old and of course, I had a BB gun that would shoot pellets, but not like this!! Here is how it all started, see, we have my wife to blame for this after all.

The misses comes home with a bird feeder. Great, I love that idea, and birds are so pleasant to watch and listen to - along with our windchimes and general outdoor noises. So she hangs the bird feeder on an existing eyelet in the ceiling of the front porch and fills it up. It took no time at all for the little birdies to start coming around and it took even less time for the squirrels to figure out we have the best feed in the area. It was "cute" at first, right? No. Not at all. Tree rats must go!!! One of the climbed the screen on the front window and decided to relieve himself of his full bladder all over my window. The next day I walked outside and there were 8 squirrels in my front yard/porch area like they own the place! Well, we have all been down that road, right? The wife doesn't want me to kill the squirrels and she doesn't want to give up the bird feeding - needless to say, we don't have a squirrel problem any more and she still has her feeders. We both won! She gave me the greenlight on the dispatching once she heard them from the basement, stomping around on the porch. She said "what's that?!" and I looked at her and said..."the enemy".

I did NOT know I would end up with a full-blown addiction that has landed me with 6 air rifles/pistols in the short span of 3 months. All but the Notos being "high-end" rifles. Airmaks, FX, Western, Leishy, Huben and my cheap Notos (which of course, I had to modify to my liking...). All of them being outfitted with moderators, bipods and optics. Next on the list is a better compressor and a tank for trips to friends and families properties.

Needless to say, I have really been enjoying the heck out of these guns, and we no longer have a varmint issue at the house! I have actually been thinking about reaching out to some local farmers and friends of mine that own property to see if they need someone to help them get rid of their nuisance animals as well, simply because I enjoy it that much! The hunt is real, and my state says GET RID OF THEM ALL!!

Thank you for reading, I hope you all have a blessed day!
Yeah, you're done for! You've come to the right place. You'll have a dozen airguns in the next 60 days if you stick around here. Because there's always someone who's got it worse than you!

I ran out of $ and need a second job. Still looking at the classifieds and there are several which I would have bought today! Wife put the smack down, or what they say is an intervention?
Does she shoot with you? Maybe you could buy her a gun "her" as in, well, it's still yours but she can shoot it. 😉
Does she shoot with you? Maybe you could buy her a gun "her" as in, well, it's still yours but she can shoot it. 😉
She has a HW30S, likes that .177 a lot. Fits her petite frame and vision challenges. She likes that its easy to use, light, and simple. We have a lot of family fun. I cheat with my PCP, rest has springers.
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