If I'm excited about a gun that costs $450 with free shipping and you email me saying "Black Friday Sale! $200 off that gun you wanted!" and I go to your website and you raised the price $50 and then took away free shipping (now $45), I'm not buying it and you lost all sales from me for the foreseeable future. Had you said "$100 OFF!" I would have bit the bullet and been happy to pay it but now you get nothing from here on out because you had to be deceitful. Congratulations!
I'm going to be nice and not throw you under the bus by naming you but you know who you are and what I'm referring to. Bad buisness.
Rant over.
I'm going to be nice and not throw you under the bus by naming you but you know who you are and what I'm referring to. Bad buisness.
Rant over.