Daystate Blackwolf at aoa

The ghost had a baby with the wolverine
When I first saw this I was thinking that I might have to get rid of my .25cal Ghost and pick one up in .25cal. The trigger is a definite upgrade, but then I was thinking other than the form factor and tensioned barrel there probably isn't that much difference. I'll have to wait and see what they compare like on the bench prior to making any type of decision.
What's everyone opinion on the significance of a tensioned barrel? I thought a free floating barrel was always cat meow.
Well all the posts around here the last few years tell you they are useless and not to waste your money unless you are shooting slugs. I guess Daystate decided it was worth it enough to make it factory for a most of this offering.
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Well all the posts around here the last few years tell you they are useless and not to waste your money unless you are shooting slugs. I guess Daystate decided it was worth it enough to make it factory for a most of this offering.
Yea and telling people they are getting something newand better always makes the difference lol
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