Daystate Blackwolf information

In my opinion, the pull throughs are a better than nothing, but nowhere close to a coated one piece rod endeavor. Can get a barrel MUCH cleaner with tight fittings patches on a jag in the end of a rod than possible with pull throughs.
@Franklink I do the cleaning with a rod, brushes, and patches on occasion, more so with my slug guns. The pertinent bit of information that stood out to me was POI shifting slightly after removing and replacing the barrel. All things considered, it seems that a pull-through system is advantageous in this regard, especially for a pellet gun.

Thinking in terms of a platform capable of swapping caliber (like the Black Wolf or Ghost barrels and probes), is POI shift a serious concern each time a different caliber barrel is affixed? I’m asking assuming that the scope will be mounted in the same position and turrets set according to DOPE.
@Franklink I do the cleaning with a rod, brushes, and patches on occasion, more so with my slug guns. The pertinent bit of information that stood out to me was POI shifting slightly after removing and replacing the barrel. All things considered, it seems that a pull-through system is advantageous in this regard, especially for a pellet gun.

Thinking in terms of a platform capable of swapping caliber (like the Black Wolf or Ghost barrels and probes), is POI shift a serious concern each time a different caliber barrel is affixed? I’m asking assuming that the scope will be mounted in the same position and turrets set according to DOPE.
Even if there is shift you’d probably be able to head shoot a squirrel @50. Its usually not much. I pull my 28” 👻 barrel every time i case it and seldom adjust the scope.
I ordered one a couple of weeks ago. Got the 17” 177 in walnut with the tube specifically for field target and 25 meter bench rest, and it looks so damn good. If the hi power version is anything like the ghost you might be able to get below 20fp. I got the hi power ghost in 177 and 23” barrel and dropped the reg to 100 and switched the hammer spring to the lightest one and no problem. So maybe?
Major congrats! When you receive it, can you please measure the minimum LOP and the overall lenght at the minimum LOP?

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I ordered one a couple of weeks ago. Got the 17” 177 in walnut with the tube specifically for field target and 25 meter bench rest, and it looks so damn good. If the hi power version is anything like the ghost you might be able to get below 20fp. I got the hi power ghost in 177 and 23” barrel and dropped the reg to 100 and switched the hammer spring to the lightest one and no problem. So maybe?
Did you chronograph it? AOA has said that you will have to change the transfer port to get <20 fpe.
@Franklink I do the cleaning with a rod, brushes, and patches on occasion, more so with my slug guns. The pertinent bit of information that stood out to me was POI shifting slightly after removing and replacing the barrel. All things considered, it seems that a pull-through system is advantageous in this regard, especially for a pellet gun.

Thinking in terms of a platform capable of swapping caliber (like the Black Wolf or Ghost barrels and probes), is POI shift a serious concern each time a different caliber barrel is affixed? I’m asking assuming that the scope will be mounted in the same position and turrets set according to DOPE.
Changing caliber and or pellet type will always require a rezero
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Major congrats! When you receive it, can you please measure the minimum LOP and the overall lenght at the minimum LOP?

Probably need to be more specific as in measuring from point A ? To point B ?
I think the basic measurements are available on the Daystate website
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Thinking in terms of a platform capable of swapping caliber (like the Black Wolf or Ghost barrels and probes), is POI shift a serious concern each time a different caliber barrel is affixed? I’m asking assuming that the scope will be mounted in the same position and turrets set according to DOPE.

This is BlackWolf adjacent... And part of the topic/the way the discussion here went....but it's not a BlackWolf so I put it in the Ghost post.

Essentially, I vdeoed a shooting session exploring the effect of barrel swapping on point of impact. Not enough of a shift to be a concern for hunting, and as @Solo1 pointed out, squirrel head shot accurate. Results were similar with a Red Wolf that I had for a few months, and should be with the BlackWolf too, since it appears to use a similar barrel to breech interaction/config as the Red Wolf.

Post in thread 'BRK Ghost Review'
My experience with removing the barrel to clean and reinstalling it on both DW and RW is that the poi change is negligible but MAY require a click or two to recenter sometimes. I ONLY clean these barrels by removing and using a rod w jag and patch. I had to recrown a CR94 barrel once that had a documented 100k shots through it as he had worn the muzzle rifling completely smooth by pulling a patch through from the muzzle after every session. If you are extremely careful to pull straight out, this might not be an issue.
I have 177, 20, 22, 25, and 30 cal barrels for both and it interesting that changing calibers usually requires little or no scope adjustment if the velocities are similar.
I DO like the DW/Ghost one screw though. Just one less step...
Probably need to be more specific as in measuring from point A ? To point B ?
I think the basic measurements are available on the Daystate website
My bad, I thought you ordered the tactical version. Theres not a lot of info available for this one yet (LOP, OAL, Weight, etc.)
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