
Gettn somewhat frustrated with finding certain info and products involving boosters. I get their not cheap but who cares, I’d shell out the $ to be able to go to the range with several big bores, an scba tank and not have to bring a compressor cuz I’d have a booster. You can’t find one, you can’t buy one, it’s like the industry DOESNT want us to have one. This is what I got in reply from Altoros
I've been trying to wrap my head around boosters.

They look awesome & tempting, but all things being equal what do they offer that more tanks can't?

I get that you can deplete a tank further/ get more refills, but at the end of the day it still takes the same amount of compressor hours to refill.

Is it strictly a convenince factor (i.e. less tankage to caddy?)
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I've been trying to wrap my head around boosters.

They look awesome & tempting, but all things being equal what do they offer that more tanks can't?

I get that you can deplete a tank further/ get more refills, but at the end of the day it still takes the same amount of compressor hours to refill.

Is it strictly a convenince factor (i.e. less tankage to caddy?)
Just getting the most of what you have on hand. I remember paintball shops using boosters when hpa was new with cascaded k cylinders. What part are you trying to understand? The use of them or how they work?
Gettn somewhat frustrated with finding certain info and products involving boosters. I get their not cheap but who cares, I’d shell out the $ to be able to go to the range with several big bores, an scba tank and not have to bring a compressor cuz I’d have a booster. You can’t find one, you can’t buy one, it’s like the industry DOESNT want us to have one. This is what I got in reply from Altoros View attachment 526637
@Craigondo And when you require parts and service, then what?
Just getting the most of what you have on hand. I remember paintball shops using boosters when hpa was new with cascaded k cylinders. What part are you trying to understand? The use of them or how they work?
After pondering the Ayrrtek images for hours I kinda got how they work down so I'm mostly intersted the economy of using them.

Basically more fills per tank if my understanding is correct but just wondering is it worth the extra $ and fiddle-factor.
After pondering the Ayrrtek images for hours I kinda got how they work down so I'm mostly intersted the economy of using them.

Basically more fills per tank if my understanding is correct but just wondering is it worth the extra $ and fiddle-factor.
I never understood the logic when you have compressors either. The paintball shop I was at constantly said it was for the electricity reasons of running the compressors often. Like ohms law there is no free lunch. The air is going to have to be replenished causing the same wear and tear and electrical usage.

My guess is making the most of what you have on hand with no electricity. Perhaps theyre a relic from when people got bottled gasses from welding supply? They would let you get the most of a dry/single makeup gas like nitrogen(that was actually a thing once upon a time) . Or even helium if you're pushing limits and spending money.

If you know how they generally work then we both are in the same boat and im not of much use for info beyond this. You did bring their existence back to people's memory tho.
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Gettn somewhat frustrated with finding certain info and products involving boosters. I get their not cheap but who cares, I’d shell out the $ to be able to go to the range with several big bores, an scba tank and not have to bring a compressor cuz I’d have a booster. You can’t find one, you can’t buy one, it’s like the industry DOESNT want us to have one. This is what I got in reply from Altoros View attachment 526637
You could build your own..
The Suncenter Dga40 is $1,500 on Alibaba.
All you need after that is the hoses, fittings and a *normal* compressor.

-- Matt
I've been trying to wrap my head around boosters.

They look awesome & tempting, but all things being equal what do they offer that more tanks can't?

I get that you can deplete a tank further/ get more refills, but at the end of the day it still takes the same amount of compressor hours to refill.

Is it strictly a convenince factor (i.e. less tankage to caddy?)
The big thing is all you need besides the booster is a Ace hardware shop compressor and you can fill tanks .
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Seems to me this would be a perfect time for some home shop member to pick up the ball
The problem with that is startup costs, liability insurance and various regulatory bodies.

Building a booster isn't that difficult. The booster pump, valves, hose and connectors mounted in a frame or sheet metal box.

I've literally doodled it out and priced the parts a while back. You could make one for yourself for under $2,000. If you want it to feed off a 6000psi nitrogen tank price jumps about $500 for the valve.

-- Matt
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Well the Huben K1 has a max fill pressure of 350bar/5,000PSI. I had 2 (Hubens). My Bauer Jr compressor goes to 4500 as does my Omega Turbo Charger, and CF tanks as well. I could never fill to the max 350 bar/5,000 PSI. The booster took care of that and using a Tiger Shark tank and a Joe B guppy to power the booster, I could go to the range and enjoy shooting.
I've been trying to wrap my head around boosters.

They look awesome & tempting, but all things being equal what do they offer that more tanks can't?

I get that you can deplete a tank further/ get more refills, but at the end of the day it still takes the same amount of compressor hours to refill.

Is it strictly a convenince factor (i.e. less tankage to caddy?)
It's not about the energy required to pump the pressure to 5k that's the issue. Its when you have bottles that are lower than the presure you require to shoot you have to go home. So if you need 5 k to shoot and even if you had 4 bottles at 5k to fill your gun you won't be able to fill your gun to 5k. With the booster you can still fill your gun to 5k when you only have 3000 psi in the the bottle.

It's not about the energy required to pump the pressure to 5k that's the issue. Its when you have bottles that are lower than the presure you require to shoot you have to go home. So if you need 5 k to shoot and even if you had 4 bottles at 5k to fill your gun you won't be able to fill your gun to 5k. With the booster you can still fill your gun to 5k when you only have 3000 psi in the the bottle.

Other than a few big bores, I can't think of any around that really "needs" 4500 psi to shoot, let alone 5,000 psi - don't confuse "can be filled to" with "needs to be filled to" in order to shoot.

I have a Huben K1, and I have no interest in doing what it takes to fill to 5,000 psi - in fact I pretty much just fill to 4,000 psi because 4,500 basically requires the compressor for every fill and I'd rather use my tanks. Given that I can shoot at least 4 mags on a 4,000 psi fill (at the power level at which mine it set) it's just not worth the hassle to get another mag out of it by firing up the compressor every time. And I would not get a booster just to get another mag out it either.

Now for a big bore that actually needs that fill level, the boosters really are a great tool. That said, I'd opt for something that can still shoot at least on a 4,000 psi fill, and preferably on a 3,500 psi fill, even if that would be only one shot at that level (as there would be several fills/shots available from a 9 or 12L tank before getting that low). But if I were committed to shooting a true high pressure air hog, then yes I would have a booster . . .
Feasibility depends on a lot of factors. How many guns do you own, and what are their fill pressures? How much do you shoot? Do you only shoot near a source of bulk air or can produce bulk air? I was able to load up all my semis and big bores, go to any unimproved range and shoot all I wanted to tethered to the booster setup. I don't shoot as much now, but when I did, with 2 compressors, 4 Great Whites, a Tiger Shark, and a Guppy, and the booster, I have never wanted for air.
Feasibility depends on a lot of factors. How many guns do you own, and what are their fill pressures? How much do you shoot? Do you only shoot near a source of bulk air or can produce bulk air? I was able to load up all my semis and big bores, go to any unimproved range and shoot all I wanted to tethered to the booster setup. I don't shoot as much now, but when I did, with 2 compressors, 4 Great Whites, a Tiger Shark, and a Guppy, and the booster, I have never wanted for air.
Thanks for the first hand account. Exactly what I was interested in hearing.

I can see the appeal of going out for a dedicated big bore session where air was of no concern. My life is such that I put a premium value on my time, so if I can find something that can save some of it for me, it definately gets some interest.

Mechanically they relatively simple = less fuss. That's a plus too.
It's not about the energy required to pump the pressure to 5k that's the issue. Its when you have bottles that are lower than the presure you require to shoot you have to go home. So if you need 5 k to shoot and even if you had 4 bottles at 5k to fill your gun you won't be able to fill your gun to 5k. With the booster you can still fill your gun to 5k when you only have 3000 psi in the the bottle.


I was looking at it from the 5 bottles vs. 1 bottle & booster in which would make the most practicle sense.

Carrying around 5 bottles does seem a little over the top....but it would't stop me from trying.