Beeman Bought a Used R9 .20

I'm not going to say the site I got it from but it's a R9 in .20, came with a scope and Maccari Tune Kit, I probably paid too much but it was still cheaper buying a new stock one with a scope. I called them today and they said it was in excellent condition and shot good. I don't think they checked accuracy but I'm sure it'll be fine. I bought a few tins of pellets to go with it. Hopefully I'll like when it gets here. I already have an R9 in .177 and like it a lot so maybe this one will shoot smoother with the tune.
I'm not going to say the site I got it from but it's a R9 in .20, came with a scope and Maccari Tune Kit, I probably paid too much but it was still cheaper buying a new stock one with a scope. I called them today and they said it was in excellent condition and shot good. I don't think they checked accuracy but I'm sure it'll be fine. I bought a few tins of pellets to go with it. Hopefully I'll like when it gets here. I already have an R9 in .177 and like it a lot so maybe this one will shoot smoother with the tune.
Your gonna love it! Welcome to the 5mm club! 🎯😉
.20 has become my favorite caliber for a Beeman/Weihrauch rifle, I think they use some magic pixie dust for that caliber alone. Just saying...
I’m betting it will be your favorite. I knew there was something special about the .20. Could never put my finger on it. Now I know. Thanks. Crow
I bought a used R9 .20 some years ago and have made several changes and modifications. Started out as an experiment to try at FT matches with heavier pellets than I use in my .177 guns. Piston has been glided, Maccari kit and seal was used for a few years, now there are Vortek parts in it. Started with the factory stock then added a barrel sleeve, R11 stock and finally into a Paul Bishop stock. A few years ago, I used it to win both the NYS and CTS FT Hunter piston class by more than a few shots each. It prefers by a pretty wide margin JSB 13.73gr pellets and makes over 16fpe with them.

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Great caliber. I have had the best luck with the .20 H&N Field Target Trophy and the Baracudas. Neither of mine like the JSBs, go figure. Pyramyd has a 11% coupon right now "LUCK". Great time to buy some pellets.
Mine seem to be just the opposite, but I'm thinking that it's the wind possibly having a greater affect on the H&Ns?
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Mine seem to be just the opposite, but I'm thinking that it's the wind possibly having a greater affect on the H&Ns?
I tested the BC on the 13.73 JSBs to be significantly better than the 11.42s. I never tested the 13.58s or the JSB heavies because none of my Weihrauchs like them
Must be a misprint, accuracy improved?
Why yes accuracy did improve. But the main thing with longer stoke smaller tube guns is fast shot cycles. Faster than you bigger 28, 30 mm tubed guns. They get over 15 ft lbs and the slightest mishap shows up in .177 and .20

.22 is always more forgiving and softer shot cycle.

I’m testing a 78 mm 23.6 mm .177 now and it’s the best .177 I’ve shot in break barrel form. Build post in time.
It’s a blasphemy build for most ,but those who have owned these guns will relate. 😉 Especially
I'm not going to say the site I got it from but it's a R9 in .20, came with a scope and Maccari Tune Kit, I probably paid too much but it was still cheaper buying a new stock one with a scope. I called them today and they said it was in excellent condition and shot good. I don't think they checked accuracy but I'm sure it'll be fine. I bought a few tins of pellets to go with it. Hopefully I'll like when it gets here. I already have an R9 in .177 and like it a lot so maybe this one will shoot smoother with the tune.
I have the .20 R9 goldfinger. huntington beach era and it is my fav springer and the last one I would part with
I have been championing the much maligned.20 caliber for years! It’s been called the “compromise caliber” for forever but I don’t see where the compromise is when it’s almost as fast as a .177 and hits almost as hard as a .22 (yes, I understand what “almost” means, but you get my drift)! It’s the perfect springer caliber in my humble opinion. Enjoy your R9, Diddy!
I'm not going to say the site I got it from but it's a R9 in .20, came with a scope and Maccari Tune Kit, I probably paid too much but it was still cheaper buying a new stock one with a scope. I called them today and they said it was in excellent condition and shot good. I don't think they checked accuracy but I'm sure it'll be fine. I bought a few tins of pellets to go with it. Hopefully I'll like when it gets here. I already have an R9 in .177 and like it a lot so maybe this one will shoot smoother with the tune.
Enjoy the gun & try the JSB 13.73.
Try to get them moving upwards to 700+ fps for best results.