Bought a Wildcat

So last night I called up AOA to put down the deposit for my wildcat, and they had some of the .25 in stock. I had already wanted the .25 so I hopped right on top of that. They said it leave their store no later than Thursday. Hoping it will be here before Christmas. I'll post some reviews once I get it. Still need to buy a scope and mounts for it. Don't want to break the bank more than it already has been, but at the same time want something nice. Let me know if any of you have good suggestions for mid-priced scopes. PM if you have anything used that you'd like to sell. I'm always interested. 
Put my deposit down on a .22 a little over 9 weeks ago and just got invoiced for the balance earlier last week, so I'm also hoping this thing will be under the Christmas tree soon.
I got this scope.
and my biggest concern was that at such an extreme magnification, the image wouldn't be crisp, but it looks great. I suspect that I'll usually shoot at 10x most of the time, but it can zoom in as tight as my spotting scope which is cool. I really like the trajectory reticle. 
I'm not going with no limit mounts at the current time. If you want a wildcat right now they had extra .25 in stock last night. It's only the .22 that's back ordered. I personally feel the .25 is better for pest control, and that the .22 is just a little less power than I'd like. Not that the .22 is underpowered, but it's nice to be able to take care of much larger varmits. 
Alright so my Wildcat came in the mail today. It is raining outside so I haven't had a chance to play with it yet. I feel like new guns and rainy weather are common on here. Anyway so I immediately noticed a few things about it
- it is heavier than I thought it would be (not too heavy but definitely more than I thought)
- there are new silver magazines included instead of the old black ones
- AOA shipped the gun with 150 bar in the gun
- the trigger is absolutely beautiful
- the cocking mechanism is a little stiff (probably just needs to wear in)
- you can add/remove baffles even on the .25

The final thing that I had happen to me was that they didn't ship with JSB Exacts King like I had ordered. They instead sent me FX brand .25 pellets. I haven't yet called up AOA to see what the deal is about those, but I was just wondering if anyone ever had something like that happen to them. Has anyone with a .25 shot the FX pellets?
10 weeks to the day of redefining my capacity for patience. Ahhhh. Finally got mine as well. I haven't been this excited to get something in a very long time. Really enjoying getting acquainted with it. I need to get some taller rings for my scope because I'm cramming my cheek bone into the rest in order to get my eye lined up, so I'm sure my weld isn't remotely consistent right now. The scope is flush with the end of the barrel which looks pretty cool, but need to add a hood to shade the objective lens, so at that point the scope will be the leading extremity out the front end which I'm not too excited about. It's really quiet as it is, but I could possibly add a moderator to lengthen the barrel and a cylinder extension to gain some capacity.
All in due time.