Brand new FX Royale 400 .22 unregulated problems


Nov 8, 2015
Karachi, Pakistan
Dear All,

1. I just purchased a brand new FX Royale 400 .22 unregulated. When the gun arrived, it was shooting 18 grain JSB at 850 fps maximum at the top of the bell curve. It translates into around 28 ft lb. Since the advertised power of this gun is 36 ft lb, I contacted FX Company through e mail. They suggested me to increase the tension of hammer spring gradually while choronying the gun. I did it and the gun went up to 875 fps with 18 grain JSB but did not shoot at any more power. It is still around 31 ft lb.

2. The second issue is that when I pull the trigger all the way of 1st stage and do not let it break for 2nd stage and relieve the trigger and again pull the trigger, there is no 1stg stage. It appears that after pulling the trigger blade for the 1st time for 1st stage, it does not go back thus if I want to have the 1st stage again before pulling the trigger through 2nd stage, I have to press it back manually. I tried to adjust the trigger so that this issue could me cured but no success.

3. The spread of fps is around 35 fps for 50 shots at sweet spot. In order to get tight spread I would like to install a regulator. I want to know if it is an easy job? I am not in US so I have to install the regulator myself.

Please help me in all these 3 matters.


Umair Bhaur
I can try to help with #1 & #2

#1 - If you tighten the hammer spring too much it will actually decrease the FPS. Try tightening all the way then slowly back it out as you shoot it over the chronograph. I also had a problem with the port leading to the power wheel. First you should check to see that the power wheel is actually locking into the correct position. If yes then I suggest you check the port beneath the power wheel. To do this you'll have to remove your scope, the barrel, and the power wheel. Use a flashlight to look down to the transfer port (beneath where the barrel sits). I found that there was a tiny set screw loose (near the dovetail) and the port leading up into the bottom of the barrel was misaligned. Realign the port, tighten the screw, and put back it all back together. This solved my problem.

#2 - Your trigger is probably to light. Try to make it a bit heavier & see if it fixes the problem.
Dear Michael,

I did tightened the hammer screw gradually during which I chronied the gun after each quarter of a turn. And yes when I tightened it fully, the fps dropped. Then I loosened it a bit and left it at such position where I got maximum fps. It was 875 with 18 gr JSB.

For power setting, I would request you to elaborate a bit more since I never opened this gun.


Umair Bhaur 
"mubhaur"Have tried the suggestion but no cure. Any further advice please?
It does not appear that you have tried my advice. I think I described it pretty well. If you remove the scope, barrel, and power wheel, you should be able to peer down in to the block & see what I'm talking about. If you don't feel comfortable doing this, then I suggest you take it to an authorized dealer.

In fact I did remove the barrel, scope and power wheel. The wheel was a bit difficult to remove. But I got it removed. There are different kinds of grub screws hold the power wheel on both sides of dove tail. The right side screw has a sharp cone at the end in order to fit in the slot of the wheels rod to keep it aligned. The left side screw has a tiny hole at the bottom to securely stay on the ball bearing.

I think now you will be sure that I did try it.

But when I peeped into the hole where the transfer port is, I couldn't find any misalignment there.

That's why I reassembled it. I had to see inside with the help of some torch light.

I couldn't find any misalignment.

May be I should peep again in day light conditions.
Sounds about right. I should've taken some pictures when I had mine apart. One of those grub screws holds the transfer port (below the transfer port of the barrel) in place. It is difficult to see, and even more difficult to adjust, but my grub screw came loose and the transfer port looked like a half moon instead of a full moon. I lost about 150 fps when it was misaligned.

Good luck finding a solution.
Dear Michael,

I finally received following response from FX Company.

Hello Umair,

Sorry for the delay in response.

1 I looked up to see what power the royal 400 was set at in the factory and it is actually is 30-32 Ft/pounds and has been that way for a while unfortunately the webpage is showing the wrong speed. I’m very sorry for the misinformation. ( I will make certain we update the webpage shortly)
2 to fix the trigger just turn the biggest screw on the trigger base in until it resets the trigger.
3 I attached a pdf file for information regarding the installation for the Regulator.

Best regards Johan 
 MADE IN SWEDEN Web: www.fxairguns.comYouTube: