Brocock/BRK BRK Ghost and Daystate Revere maintenance and care what are you using?

Hey everyone,

My ghost and revere arrives on monday. It will be my first pcp. I went to the BRK/daystates websites and was reading through the manuals, especially the care and maintenance sections. Sadly they were very vague with them. I want to take good care of my rifles. They didnt list suggested lubricants cleaners etc.

What is everyone using for maintenance and upkeep on the BRK Ghost and Daystate huntsman revere? When first getting it, is there anything I should do beyond an inspection and a good cleaning of the barrel? I did see a post showing how to polish a barrel. I likely will do this down the road if needed but I want to see how each are shooting first to get a baseline.

Thanks for the advice.
What a pair… of PCPs, that is…🙈 You set a very high bar for your first PCPs, post up your impressions when you receive and use them. Just run some patches through the barrels, scope them, sight in and shoot… I believe the manual may show lubrication points. Just beware that lubricants attract dust and crap. What calibers.
I use a drop or two of pure silicone oil into the fill ports every 2-3 fills, helps lube internal fill o'rings keeps them from drying out prematurely. I also wipe my guns down with a lightly damp microfiber cloth after each use and I do clean my barrel with Ballistol and a Patchworm pull thru after each tin of 500 pellets.
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What a pair… of PCPs, that is…🙈 You set a very high bar for your first PCPs, post up your impressions when you receive and use them. Just run some patches through the barrels, scope them, sight in and shoot… I believe the manual may show lubrication points. Just beware that lubricants attract dust and crap. What calibers.
I got both in 177 with a 25 cal barrel kit for the ghost. I'll put the athlon argos on the revere and the hawke sidewinder on the ghost.

I'd not thought about 177 until I attended an HFT match at Central Ohio Airgunners near Columbus Ohio. A member handed me an S510 and said here you are participating. The entire match he kept teaching me and shared why 177 is preferred for hft. Ryan has already said he wants to shoot my revere safari first which I have no problems doing with all the help he's given. I might make a mistake and shoot his redwolf that he uses for HFT. Ive got a feeling after shooting it, I might want it or an alpha too.

Sadly I'm already eyeing my next few rifles. I'm just making the list of what each of my current rifles are for or what they can do, and then other wants/needs. Likely a 50/100 yard bench rifle will be next. Something in 30cal or larger. Sadly Ohio doesnt allow for hunting with air rifles yet. Their hunting laws are so messed up here.

I LOVE the looks of the safari stocks. I could easily see myself with every safari offering daystate/BRK makes. Ive got about $8000 on my list for those already lol. If they made a ghost safari it would be a take my money now rifle. However that Daystate red wolf midnight blue stock is AMAZING and calling to me. As is the Alpha Wolf safari.

I'll be going to the AAFTA nationals in Ohio next month. Im almost scared as I wonder what might catch my eye when there. Sadly I missed out on a couple events in august as I'd not known about air rifles then.

Ohhh what a rabbit hole this is.

Thank you again for the feedback and tips. I'm just trying to make sure I have everything I need initially.
I got both in 177 with a 25 cal barrel kit for the ghost. I'll put the athlon argos on the revere and the hawke sidewinder on the ghost.

I'd not thought about 177 until I attended an HFT match at Central Ohio Airgunners near Columbus Ohio. A member handed me an S510 and said here you are participating. The entire match he kept teaching me and shared why 177 is preferred for hft. Ryan has already said he wants to shoot my revere safari first which I have no problems doing with all the help he's given. I might make a mistake and shoot his redwolf that he uses for HFT. Ive got a feeling after shooting it, I might want it or an alpha too.

Sadly I'm already eyeing my next few rifles. I'm just making the list of what each of my current rifles are for or what they can do, and then other wants/needs. Likely a 50/100 yard bench rifle will be next. Something in 30cal or larger. Sadly Ohio doesnt allow for hunting with air rifles yet. Their hunting laws are so messed up here.

I LOVE the looks of the safari stocks. I could easily see myself with every safari offering daystate/BRK makes. Ive got about $8000 on my list for those already lol. If they made a ghost safari it would be a take my money now rifle. However that Daystate red wolf midnight blue stock is AMAZING and calling to me. As is the Alpha Wolf safari.

I'll be going to the AAFTA nationals in Ohio next month. Im almost scared as I wonder what might catch my eye when there. Sadly I missed out on a couple events in august as I'd not known about air rifles then.

Ohhh what a rabbit hole this is.

Thank you again for the feedback and tips. I'm just trying to make sure I have everything I need initially.

I love to see enthusiasm about field target such as yours. Just this past weekend at our local ft match we were talking about how much people would enjoy ft if they'd just come out and try it.

Congrats on some fine rifles headed your way, and lots of field target fun in your future.
I love to see enthusiasm about field target such as yours. Just this past weekend at our local ft match we were talking about how much people would enjoy ft if they'd just come out and try it.

Congrats on some fine rifles headed your way, and lots of field target fun in your future.
Thanks. Words like that mean alot from you with your experience and insights.

I had never heard of field target before. I went to the field to look and learn about air rifles and to get suggestions. The welcoming was amazing. Then a guy handed me his rifle saying you are shooting. It was amazing, fun, and peaceful since it was just airguns in the area. Yet challenging and more satisfying then shooting paper. I was hooked. I might never be good, but it was fun and I can challenge myself. Then seeing the youtube videos of HFT matches in the woods hooked me even more.

I shoot firearms but mainly paper for practice and some plinking. However it had been 5ish years since i had shot. It was ok. However I didn't realize how much the noise affected me until attending the airgun match and how peaceful it was. it was nice going home without a sore shoulder, and totally peaceful.

Part of the reason I got a second gun is to have a backup and to have something for a friend to shoot if we were to go out. The ones Ive shared with are amazed and cant wait to try it. I wanted quality rifles that I would enjoy and not be held back by. Its much like the people who go to walmart and get a kayak and think thats all there is. Many dont get a chance to be in a quality boat. The ones that do are amazed by the difference and how enjoyable it is. I wanted to avoid the same thing with my rifles.

I did get some ballistol as I've read thats good to use. I'm still looking for some other lubricants/protectorants to use.
I got both in 177 with a 25 cal barrel kit for the ghost. I'll put the athlon argos on the revere and the hawke sidewinder on the ghost.

I'd not thought about 177 until I attended an HFT match at Central Ohio Airgunners near Columbus Ohio. A member handed me an S510 and said here you are participating. The entire match he kept teaching me and shared why 177 is preferred for hft. Ryan has already said he wants to shoot my revere safari first which I have no problems doing with all the help he's given. I might make a mistake and shoot his redwolf that he uses for HFT. Ive got a feeling after shooting it, I might want it or an alpha too.

Sadly I'm already eyeing my next few rifles. I'm just making the list of what each of my current rifles are for or what they can do, and then other wants/needs. Likely a 50/100 yard bench rifle will be next. Something in 30cal or larger. Sadly Ohio doesnt allow for hunting with air rifles yet. Their hunting laws are so messed up here.

I LOVE the looks of the safari stocks. I could easily see myself with every safari offering daystate/BRK makes. Ive got about $8000 on my list for those already lol. If they made a ghost safari it would be a take my money now rifle. However that Daystate red wolf midnight blue stock is AMAZING and calling to me. As is the Alpha Wolf safari.

I'll be going to the AAFTA nationals in Ohio next month. Im almost scared as I wonder what might catch my eye when there. Sadly I missed out on a couple events in august as I'd not known about air rifles then.

Ohhh what a rabbit hole this is.

Thank you again for the feedback and tips. I'm just trying to make sure I have everything I need initially.
Congrats on the rifles. I love it! Way to jump in and start with some quality stuff. Sound a lot like me. I visited a Field Target match several years ago and they had a loaner ready, and they tried hard to get me to shoot. I didn’t because I really wanted to be able to take everything in. It was awesome and I’m glad I did. I picked up a rifle about a year later and started shooting, and it was the most fun I’ve had. Work kept me from going more than a couple times, but I still like the backyard practice. I now have another and am looking and getting back into FT. Usually I just shoot my other rifles at spinner and paper, because finding time for matches is hard.

Onto your question… while I have had neither of those specific rifles… most everyone cleans their barrels with the same thing they use in rifles… Ballistol, Gunzilla, etc. I use Ballistol.

One thing you have to be careful of (and probably applies to the Ghost and maybe Revere as it did to my Red Wolfs) is that you have to be careful of the breech oring. You don’t want to push a brush up through there and tear it.

I have found pull through patches amazing since getting into airguns and now use them on my 22lr’s. I use the Patchworm, and love it. I have several brands and have even made my own from weedeater line, but the Patchworm is my go to. You do have to get the smaller 177 string too. I have found as long as you clean often, you don’t usually ever need more than that. I don’t take my barrel and liner off to clean either, but some do. I have just found that you sometimes need a straw to push into the muzzle past the last few baffles to let the patchwork line not get caught up in the baffles.

I haven’t had to do other maintenance to any of the airguns I’ve owned, besides replace an oring every now and then. Usually pretty easy…