Brocock/BRK BRK Ghost essential accessories

@MysticalDragon - got some new PRS stuff in yesterday, two different types of hand stops an ARCA to pic rail adapter and the all important PRS extended rail - installed - still deciding what or if i like. The PRS extended rail is def a keeper. Undecided about the tab stop v the round hand stop thing; so for the moment i left both on. I believe for HFT this configuration would be illegal? as only one stop is allowed? Quality was PRS perfect.- oh by the way...i have 3 extra uit rail round hand stops as they messed up my order and sent me 4 round hand stops rather than 4 UIT bolts only - yeah i paid for the more expensive things.... didn't even notice till it arrived.
My .177 Ghost as shown weighs 11 lbs 6 ounces all in - perfect!

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BEFORE PICTURE showing ROWAN wheel on the Nightforce NX8 - nowhere near as awesome as JD's Wheel above.
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were can i fine that under rail ghost compact thanks
Setting up ones toys is a personal thing. should be. NO need to impress others.

Me...I much prefer "function" over "form". No cuteness needed on my stuff, (cars, motorcycles, guns, etc., etc.). If it doesn't make the gun...function better in some way or form, the dealer can sell the cute stuff to others.

The additions to my compact .22 Ghost -
1 - A pair of "accurate", READABLE gauges.
2 - A different grip, to better suit my hand size.
3 - A quality sight, better to see you with.
4 - A short Huma40 (original design) muffler.

I guess it may be too plain for some, but it suits me fine.

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like the grip and Analog gages. Can you tell me where they come from? thanks