Brocock/BRK BRK Ghost new Bullpup stock!

Well here ya go.
it took 3 minutes to remove pistol grip and install the more formal bullpup style FORM stock. Very very secure, as in no movement or wigglies once the one bolt was secured.
I’m wanting to change the PRS shoulder rest now for something more traditional.
I like the weight distribution better now, especially for offhand shooting.
Since I have every barrel option available to me and every bottle size available, I’m going to convert back to the carbine length in .20 using the smaller 330 cc bottle.
thanks for giving me a poke. I’m glad I finally installed the FORM stock option! Especially Beautiful On the Orange Blaze Edition 🤩

View attachment 543464View attachment 543465
Love how it looks!
Those stocks really change to whole look of the rifle
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Well here ya go.
it took 3 minutes to remove pistol grip and install the more formal bullpup style FORM stock. Very very secure, as in no movement or wigglies once the one bolt was secured.
I’m wanting to change the PRS shoulder rest now for something more traditional.
I like the weight distribution better now, especially for offhand shooting.
Since I have every barrel option available to me and every bottle size available, I’m going to convert back to the carbine length in .20 using the smaller 330 cc bottle.
thanks for giving me a poke. I’m glad I finally installed the FORM stock option! Especially Beautiful On the Orange Blaze Edition 🤩

View attachment 543464View attachment 543465
Thanks for the quick swap CD -

Looks good.
Nice to hear that it's a solid / firm fit on the Ghost frame.

I may spring for the single color, Ebony Classic or the Black Walnut.

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Here ya go

it took 3 minutes to remove pistol grip and install the more formal bullpup style FORM stock.

Very very secure, as in no movement or wigglies once the one bolt was secured.
I’m wanting to change the PRS shoulder rest now for something more traditional.
I like the weight distribution better now, especially for offhand shooting.
Since I have every barrel option available to me and every bottle size available, I’m going to convert back to the carbine length in .20 using the smaller 330 cc bottle.
this stock option added right at 1 lb and a couple of ounces.

Thanks for giving me a poke.
I’m glad I finally installed the FORM stock option!
Especially Beautiful On the Orange Blaze Edition 🤩

View attachment 543464View attachment 543465
I decided to see what type of shoulder piece i could come up with
this is a hybrid...
I used a PRS adapter plate and a Kraford and Lypt dovetail to shoulder piece.
I like this combination as it is easier on an old shoulder, but i also ordered the PRS MAGPUL MOE SL ENHANCED PAD WITH BACKPLATE I'll give it a try when it comes in.
