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BRK Ghost Review

Received a package of goodies for the Ghost yesterday from an airgun buddy. He machined up a custom shroud for the longer .22 barrel and lent me a 480cc bottle. The changes make the conversion from Carbine to Ghost HP legitimate.

Pretty sweet!

OAL for the all-out HP config, WITH the 0DB = 38 inches.

Without the 0DB = about 33 inches.

And with just the shorter .177 Carbine barrel, thread adaptor, and 0DB = 28 inches.

I think this 480cc bottle is probably a happy medium for going back and forth between .177 Carbine and .22 HP. Any more length on the bottle than this and the bottle would stick out past the barrel. But as-is, they're the same length.

I'm excited about and very happy with the changes!


Already made some improvements. I'm told I'll have the parts in a few weeks and I can share more accurate details at that point. From the video looks like a worm drive sorta thing now. BRK rep told me it gives more adjustment and smoother tactile feel than what was originally issued.
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Already made some improvements. I'm told I'll have the parts in a few weeks and I can share more accurate details at that point. From the video looks like a worm drive sorta thing now. BRK rep told me it gives more adjustment and smoother tactile feel than what was originally issued.
So BRK made changes to how the power wheel operates?
So BRK made changes to how the power wheel operates?
Yes, it looks that way. Still 20 "steps."

Since Daystate owns BRK it kinda goes with their managements modus operundi of constantly making upgrades and improvements.

When the retrofit parts arrive I'll share my thoughts on the changes, right now I'm just speculating based on the brief conversation I had (less than 5 minutes) and the short little clip I linked.
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Tuned a .22 Ghost HP. It’s a great PCP. Trigger job came out to average a 3.6 ounce second stage crisp break. Set the reg at 150 bar. 25.39gr MRDs are shooting 970 fps on max. Dialed back hammer spring to setting 16 produced an average of 955 fps and it seems to like this speed best.

Created: 11/21/22 09:07 PM
Description: .22 Ghost
Notes 1:
Notes 2:
Distance to Chrono(FT): 1.00
Ballistic Coefficient: 0.055
Bullet Weight(gr): 25.39
Temp: N/A °F
BP: N/A inHg
Altitude: 120.00
11 955 51.43 24.25
10 958 51.75 24.32
9 959 51.86 24.35
8 955 51.43 24.25
7 954 51.32 24.22
6 955 51.43 24.25
5 955 51.43 24.25
4 956 51.53 24.27
3 958 51.75 24.32
2 957 51.64 24.30
1 955 51.43 24.25
Average: 956.1 FPS
SD: 1.6 FPS
Min: 954 FPS
Max: 959 FPS
Spread: 5 FPS
Shot/sec: 0.0
True MV: 957 FPS


Tuned a .22 Ghost HP. It’s a great PCP. Trigger job came out to average a 3.6 ounce second stage crisp break. Set the reg at 150 bar. 25.39gr MRDs are shooting 970 fps on max. Dialed back hammer spring to setting 16 produced an average of 955 fps and it seems to like this speed best.

Created: 11/21/22 09:07 PM
Description: .22 Ghost
Notes 1:
Notes 2:
Distance to Chrono(FT): 1.00
Ballistic Coefficient: 0.055
Bullet Weight(gr): 25.39
Temp: N/A °F
BP: N/A inHg
Altitude: 120.00
11 955 51.43 24.25
10 958 51.75 24.32
9 959 51.86 24.35
8 955 51.43 24.25
7 954 51.32 24.22
6 955 51.43 24.25
5 955 51.43 24.25
4 956 51.53 24.27
3 958 51.75 24.32
2 957 51.64 24.30
1 955 51.43 24.25
Average: 956.1 FPS
SD: 1.6 FPS
Min: 954 FPS
Max: 959 FPS
Spread: 5 FPS
Shot/sec: 0.0
True MV: 957 FPS
VERY nice Derrick!
You likey?
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Reactions: Centercut
Yes I do. Very well made this Ghost!
Anxiously awaiting my .25 Ghost! I'm going to try (with Derrick's help) to make it into a Slugger to shoot medium weight (33.5 to 37 grain) slugs at 950-ish fps. Fingers crossed! I'm thinking it probably won't be able to generate 86 FPS in .25 like my Impact, but it doesn't really need to, as long as it's very accurate.
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Had a good weekend with the Ghost, shot it in a high power and low power field target match, in the same day. A future post will go more in-depth on my exploration and testing of the gun's ability to be reconfigured easily, yet still be trustable, with repeatable poi and fps. But for today......

Over in the field target area, @Centercut was asking some questions about the custom shroud that was made for 23 inch .22 barrel. He was curious if it was tensioned and if there was a gap between shroud and frame....here's my response.

While aftermarket/custom, the shroud is nearly identical to an OEM shroud. It uses the same 4 grub screw configuration to hold everything together at the rear (2 to hold rear shroud collar to barrel, and two to hold carbon fiber shroud to the collar. It has the same channel (as OEM) down the length of the rear shroud collar to act as a rear vent for the air in the shroud. The interior shroud support that threads onto the barrel at the muzzle end is the same as OEM. As far as design and function, the only difference is that it's made out of brass instead of the blued steel like OEM.

A few photos to illustrate.....

As as long as we're talking about the shroud.......

After arriving at a consistent "tune" I worked through my various batches of .22 MRDs and settled on the batch that seemed to produce the most consistent accuracy, After that I searched for further accuracy gains. The first seemed to come from the internal air splitter inside the shroud.


I did some minimal testing with that air splitting cone with various settings. This is aftermarket as well, but had interesting results. As mentioned earlier. the shroud support that threads into the barrel allows for adjustment of the depth of the cone, effectively making an air splitter upstream of the moderator. Kinda unique and cool feature.

The shortest cone is the OEM one that came with the gun as a .177 Carbine set-up. I didn't measure the aperture on that one, but by the crude eye-balling it technique, it'd be too small for a .22, or at least it'd be a mighty tight fit. The longer cones have varying aperture sizes. I quickly settled on the smallest aperture of those 3 aftermarket cones but did further testing with it set to various depths. Accuracy was poor with it closest to the barrel, and accuracy was best with it furthest away from the barrel, like in the photo above. There is enough dead space between the internal shroud support and the distal end cap to allow this spacing, but the cone could not protrude that far from the internal shroud support if I was using the shorter shroud tube that came with the .177 Carbine. There simply wouldn't be enough clearance.

So, good "tune," best apparent batch of MRDs for this barrel at this speed, best air splitter setting and I was still not quite happy with what I was seeing....decent accuracy, probably well enough to do well at a match even, and for sure good enough for hunting, but nothing spectacular. Up to this point I'd been using Gunzilla as pellet lube on everything I'd sent down the barrel. After much testing I had arrived at Gunzilla as the lube of choice for the 12 land and groove barrel with MRDs in my Taipan Vet and was just going with the assumption that it would prove true here. The Gunzilla hadn't ever seemed to improve accuracy over dry pellets, but it does make cleaning nearly unnecessary in that barrel. And with that barrel in the Vet Long I did see less accuracy with my other typical lube of choice, Slick 50 One Lube. So, after I'd exhausted pretty much every other variable, I got the idea to try the Slick 50 as a lube for pellets going through the Ghost. The other place I've been extremely happy with Slick 50 was also in a polygonal barrel, and since the .22 HP barrel is polygonal, figured it'd be worth a try. It didn't take too many shots for me to be pretty pleased with the results, impressed even.

I don't claim to know or understand the finicky nature of airgun barrels and their preference for certain things, whether it's speed or a certain batch or a certain lube. But what I was seeing with the Slick 50 One Lube'd pellets was enough for me to not question it, but rather to happily accept it.

All of the above was in preparation for the high power field target match this past weekend. I went on to shoot a 40/48. There were 13 shooters with the high score being an impressive 43/48. My 40/48 was good for a tie for second highest score, which was broken by longest streak, which went to Mike, putting me in third place. I was the only shooter to go 24/24 on the "near" shots. All of my misses were on "far" shots, and I missed all 4, 100 yard shots. I'm linking that back to less than perfect dope data on the long shots. My dope collection was done at home, and almost 6000 feet above sea level, in 38-40 degree weather, with a bitter north wind quartering towards me from 11 o'clock on my home shooting range. Ie, my dope data was for those conditions, not for 1400 feet above sea level, in 60 degree weather, with hardly any wind. (I think the incoming wind during poi verification at home was the biggest confounding factor for my poor performance on the long range shots at PRGC.

Here's the match report: https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/xft-phoenix-11-19-22-night-match-results.1278219/#post-1364652
Minor modification of the case for dual set-up

Just a bit of an intro for the upcoming report on shooting in a low power and a high power field target match in the same day....

I made some modifications to the foam in the case to allow inclusion of everything necessary for both the sub20fpe .177 and the .22 high power configurations.

To break it down a bit
  • Upper left compartment has: the (brass) converter to go from barrel threads to 1/2x20, the .177 probe, and the scope sunshade. Sunshade has to be removed to fit in the case. Anybody following along will notice that I did some scope swapping and stole a Midas Tac off a personal gun, figured the Ghost had earned an upgrade in the glass department. You can also see the nautilus side wheel under the scope. I tested to make sure laying the gun/scope on the wheel like this wasn't creating any stress or torque on the wheel with it installed and placed in the case in this manner and it seems fine.
  • Upper right compartment has the 300 cc bottle that the Ghost came with as a .177 Carbine. The valved bottle system is awesome. I've got 780ccs of 250bar air in that case. Enough to shoot each match without any additional air or need for a fill.
    • This is the compartment that needed some foam modification for the bottle to fit.
  • Main compartment of course has the rifle, but also is JUST long enough at the top to allow the 17 inch .177 barrel to lay parallel with the scope.
  • 0db moderator in the main compartment with the gun, and also the longer moderator in the actual moderator compartment
    • The 0db is used with the pictured shroud in HP config and sound levels are acceptable. The combination of the short 0DB, all that volume in the long shroud, the air splitter and the vent at the rear shroud collar reduces report significantly. I shot the high power match with the pictured shroud + the 0db moderator
    • longer moderator (Hogan Decimeater) was used with the thread adaptor on the .177 barrel, no shroud. I tried the shorter 0DB on the barrel alone (again no shroud) and it was too loud for me, even in 20fpe/.177, so I used the Hogan for the sub 20fpe match.
  • The compartments for pellet tins fit large or small tins. Adding a longer-than-480 cc bottle looks like it would require cutting out some foam where the pellet tin compartments are.
  • There's also the long allen wrench on the right side of the case (blue handle). This is necessary for adjustments to the length of throw on the hammer.
I'm tickled to death with how everything fits in this case. Really neat to know that it's all there, no rummaging through cabinets and drawers in the gun room to try to find the various components for each configuration.
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Tuned a .22 Ghost HP. It’s a great PCP. Trigger job came out to average a 3.6 ounce second stage crisp break. Set the reg at 150 bar. 25.39gr MRDs are shooting 970 fps on max. Dialed back hammer spring to setting 16 produced an average of 955 fps and it seems to like this speed best.

Created: 11/21/22 09:07 PM
Description: .22 Ghost
Notes 1:
Notes 2:
Distance to Chrono(FT): 1.00
Ballistic Coefficient: 0.055
Bullet Weight(gr): 25.39
Temp: N/A °F
BP: N/A inHg
Altitude: 120.00
11 955 51.43 24.25
10 958 51.75 24.32
9 959 51.86 24.35
8 955 51.43 24.25
7 954 51.32 24.22
6 955 51.43 24.25
5 955 51.43 24.25
4 956 51.53 24.27
3 958 51.75 24.32
2 957 51.64 24.30
1 955 51.43 24.25
Average: 956.1 FPS
SD: 1.6 FPS
Min: 954 FPS
Max: 959 FPS
Spread: 5 FPS
Shot/sec: 0.0
True MV: 957 FPS

View attachment 307571
View attachment 307573
what kinda shot count
I was about to buy a Ghost in .25 Cal.... And will probably buy one in the near future. I am of the idea that it needs a 700 cc air bottle. The number of shots per fill shown in the Jared Clark video is not so good (30 are very few shots per fill).
600mm barrel with a 480cc tank at 250 bar for 69 foot pounds sound right to me. I wonder if the Ghost is suited for the 300bar fill 580cc tanks?
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I'm going to tune down my Ghost to shoot the Hades 15.9 grain around 850-900 FPS for backyard use. The plan is start at 90 bar and the power wheel set in the middle at 10. I'm open to other approaches too.
Let us know how it goes.

I haven't played with a 25-28fpe tune in .22 yet but I think that with the adjustments all balanced out, you'll have a really chill shot cycle there. I base that on how enjoyable a sub 20 fpe tune can be with this one. Quick and gentle.