BRK Ghost

Post up according to the rules and you should have no problems selling that Ghost. Assuming you are legit, of course…🙏 It is a vetted platform, so bide your time. Abide by the rules… Or sell elsewhere…🙏
I’m as legit as they get and because of everything you just said is why I made the post and worded like I did. Working better then id hoped to be honest. But I just bought a new house and made myself house broke so now im selling my toys to buy furniture. Not that you care but that’s the truth
I’m as legit as they get and because of everything you just said is why I made the post and worded like I did. Working better then id hoped to be honest. But I just bought a new house and made myself house broke so now im selling my toys to buy furniture. Not that you care but that’s the truth
We all understand that its a hobby… Congratulations on your new house… This is a good site, after you fulfill the requirements… I bet the Ghost sells quickly. And while I do own a Ghost. I know I’ll never live in a new house… I don’t believe what I originally wrote casted aspersions on you… We don’t know each other, but we both like airguns and live in “houses” mine being very old…🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
I can not recall the age of the house i owned, it was modified in the 80ties with a new brick wall slapped on the outside, and on the inside a new dry wall added spaced out from the original very old wall to add room for a little insulation there too.
I know the neighbour house, it was fron 1600 something.

Both probably this kind of construction.

So yeah chance are i once owned a house older than the USA

Sold fast for 1 mill Dkkr up front, and we gave 900.000 for it 15 - 20 years earlier.

1 mill Dkkr do not buy you very much house, and sure as hell not within 8 - 9 miles of the #2 largest town in the country.

The hose when i sold of course had a fiber optic cable terminating on the living room wall, for a nice snappy internet.

Actually just found a pic of the neighbour house, my house just out of frame to the right, but i can not read the year on the gavel of the red house.
do it say 1674 ????

ALL i know PPL back then was NOT the 6 foot 3 i am, my house was also made taller so i could actually stand upright in it, but would get a massive bump on my head if i was inside it when i learned i won the lottery that's for damn sure.


PS: For reference, the oldest still in use house in Denmark, had its roof rafters dendrochronology dated and it is build in 1425 - 1430.


:) Old country.
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