BRK Sniper XR and Pard NV008S-LRF Rabbits

Well I got lucky and found 2 rabbits about 60 yards apart tonight. I shot both in a matter of a couple minutes. XR Sniper .22 using CPHP 14.33gr pellets - the gun loves them. Pard works very well. The Laser is a bit off the center of the reticle when ranging, but I move the laser over to the target for an accurate range reading. Both head shots and no movement. The combination is my main night hunting rig for pests.

Nice shooting!
My Sniper has seen limited action.
So far I've only gotten a red squirrel inside my cabin!
For that I turned down the power and took a close range shot of 5'. Amazingly it didn't pass through!
I'm looking forward to the leaves falling so I can see the squirrels better.

Pfddi - how are you liking yours? IIRC, we both got one about the same time. I love everything but the weight(it's a little heavy for off-hand shooting in the woods). That being said, it's very accurate. I've been consistently hitting my 1 3/4" spinner at 87yds (current max distance I can shoot - that changes when the leaves fall).
I have mounted the PARD on my XR Sniper permanently now as I use it the most at night because of the ability to "turn it down" when needed. I have all the profiles in the gun for each of the NV008S - LRF settings so I can "tune it" to the shooting conditions. I walk hunt with my lighter rifles - EVOL 15" and now an FX Compact Hunter, but I have hunted with the BRK and I switch out the stock to the "Safari" wood version which I find to be better at a quick free-standing shot (which I rarely take!). I haul my Primos trigger stick with me whenever I go out due to old age hand tremors. I used my Leofoto cf tripod with the Bog Deathgrip on the video above.
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