Brocock/BRK BRKs… Boringly, Reliable, Killers…🙈😈

From the perspective of a pesting machine… I’ve owned six BRKs and if things were to go south. You would think one of the six, or multiples would express it. But no, mine have been simply solid, yes, plenty of shooter induced errors. But as far as operational issues with the different BRK platforms? A single one, I had to replace an Oring at the inlet valve on my Bantam Sniper HR, a problem induced by me filling “too” fast. As far as I am concerned the BRKs are the “standard of performance” they simply get it done without any drama…

My first an unregulated Compatto
My second a Bantam Sniper HR
My third an Atomic XR
My fourth, my second Atomic XR
My Fifth, ma sweet Pathfinder XR
And lastly my Ghost Carbine XR

ALL six? Serious arse kickers in practical terms. If you want adventurous tinkering and sussing out problems, purchase elsewhere. If you simply want performance, right out the box? BRKs all the way…😈 I understand there are other awesome platforms out there, just simply stating the BRKs are amongst the highest of the high…