Brocock/BRK BRKs, three the hard way…

I grew up in the era of these movies…

My trio of BRK PCPs remind me of this long ago movie…🙈

My Atomic XR, simply “still” blows my mind with its outsized utility. Though I have killed small critters out to 60 yards. 99% of its pesting is sub 40 yards. This little gun asserted itself on me through its sheer utility and handiness.

My Pathfinder XR, reminds me of a smaller version of my Bantam Sniper HR. It has performed stellar for me on pests and targets. It had an Aztec Emerald 5.5x25x50 on it when my Ghost arrived. After plopping a 6-24x50 Athlon Helos atop my Ghost. It felt like the Pathfinder was trying to compete with the Ghost. So it wasn’t getting attention, that changed when I downsized the scope. This lightened the gun and I started using it more and rediscovered why she’s a keeper. For small pest out to 70+ yards??? 👍👍👍

My Ghost Carbine XR is the latest arrival, and though she is the Flagship of the BRK lineup. The above two are undaunted as they simply perform on demand. As outfitted she “is” heavy compared to the other two. That said, it is an awesome platform which has already taken quite a few pests for me. Where it shines is on bigger critters like chucks, out to 60-70+ yards. Or pest birds out to 100 yards.
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