Just for interest sake, I tried my Bantam Sniper without moderator on it this afternoon. To my great surprise, nearly disbelief, I found that it was about as quiet as when I had the Shogun moderator on it! The way Brocock has shrouded this barrel - using a very beefy girth shroud, with a large space before the end cap - moderates the sound incredibly well, all by itself!
Huma reg is set to 140 bar and the hammer tension screw is turned back to be flush with the rear of the receiver. I get about 160 shots per fill with these settings. And excellent performance. I could get more power out of the gun (if I wanted it) with greater hammer tension and a higher Huma reg setting, but I don't need it, nor want it. For my purposes with this rifle, the settings I'm using are perfect!
More power isn't always 'better'. There are some wonderful advantages with the gun tuned for slightly less power. Plus, it's easy to tune it up for more power, if and when that is desired. (I'll just grab my Red Wolf .22HP for 'more power'.)
With these settings, I'm getting awesome groups with JSB 18.13s (the best groups I've had, when compared with 14.3,15.89, 21.14, and 25.39 RD). And, massive shot count per fill (160 shots from 240 bar down to 150 bar). Plus!!! VERY quiet output, without need for a moderator.
Clearly, my Sniper LOVES the JSB 18's and I'm going to stick with them in this rifle now. And such quiet operation! So quiet that I doubt that I will use a moderator with this rifle. I prefer both the looks and handling without the moderator, as well.
Now that I have the pellet choice and the power tuning done, I'm exceptionally pleased with this rifle. And really thrilled with not needing any moderator on it.
Final testing today with 14.3, 15.89, 18.13, 21.14, and 25.39 pellets. Five shots per bullseye (except 10 on bullseye #12). 60 degrees cold. Light breeze. 35 yards.
JSB 18.13's winner-winner-chicken-dinner! JSB 15.89 was the runner-up. This rifle LOVES the 18.13's.
Aztec Emerald 5.5-25x50 FFP Illuminated reticle scope is fantastic, as well. I like the SFP version also, but this FFP version is even better.
When I first bought this rifle, I was getting erratic groups and was initially thinking about returning it. (Turns out I was getting pellet clipping with my Huggett. And the scope wasn't snugged down as well as it should have been.) With bzizzi's encouragement (he had a similar experience when he first had his Sniper), I decided to stick with it and get things sorted out. Now, pellets sorted, power tuned, and at a shot count of 820 or so, I couldn't be happier with how this has all turned out. And I'm sure that the rifle (and my shooting) will only continue to get better with more use.