Looks good my Compatto shoots comparable groups with those same pellets. I was plinking and pesting with the JSBs (15.89s and 18s). But the CPs have been shooting good to 60+ yards. For pesting and plinking they’re much cheaper than the JSBs. The Sniper did win the EBR 2018, 100 yard match. Awesome gun. Thanks for posting.
Yes, a Brocock Sniper .22 did win the EBR, and a Standard Chevy won the Daytona 500 this year.
Claudio’s Sniper was about as stock as a Daytona race car. Your Sniper doesn’t have a longer LW Poly barrel, enlarged and polished barrel, breech block and valve ports, nor does it shoot .22 JSB RD Monsters at 950 FPS or about 50 FPE. But yes, a Sniper won in the same way a Chevy won the Daytona 500.