@ezana4ce, yes she's looking a little heavy... I took off both of the picatinny rails on my Bantam. I mounted my scope rings directly to the receiver. Maybe you could do something similar?
The Eagle Vision mount that I use with the Pard is a pic rail mount, so for this set up it’s fine. The tripod and Articise ball head handled the weight just fine. I was just commenting on the heft of the rig. I imagine that any night hunting rig I assemble will be heavy considering my equipment that I only have one lightweight air rifle.
Ezana, I too have an Accu-Tac bipod and I purchased 2 sets of their leg extensions which works kind of like a small tripod. I've used it in the field and it works like a charm. I've shot from a stool and also kneeling. Here is a photo, not mine I think Dana, Crossman777.<img src="" />//www.w3.org/2000/svg%22%20viewBox=%220%200%20210%20140%22%3E%3C/svg%3E Keeps the rig light and foldable.![]()
Nice! I actually asked about this setup in another forum and thread (this thread https://www.airgunnation.com/topic/accu-tac-bipod-extensions/#post-1136965). Thanks for your input. I asked Dana about it after considering it for a while. He addressed it pretty throughly in his recent “Quail Hunt” video. It’s definitely on my list. I have another setup that I think it would fit nicely into for spot-and-stalk day time hunting. At night I’m more stationary and I’m working to hone my skills for a different style of hunting.
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