Tuning Brocock Bantam Sniper HR Regulator Repair Attempt

It appears to be shooting as an unregulated rifle. I once got the reg in my RAW set so high, it was essentially off reg all the time. With a separate reg gauge as you have here, you wouldn't make that mistake, but for whatever reason, the reg appears to be not functioning. I may have missed this in the narrative, but did you measure the depth of the adjustment screw before moving it, to get back in the same position, as a starting point?
@elh0102 I didn’t measure anything on this reg. I dropped a new regulator in today. This was my first time shooting it. Intentionally shot it off the reg to see what would happen. When I initially had this issue with the old reg I thought perhaps I’d filled the reservoir to fast and messed up the reg. I told the service department all that I could think to tell them that I did that may have contributed to the issue. I was assured on a couple of occasions that I did nothing wrong to cause the malfunction. After the original reg was serviced and returned to me the rifle functioned fine for about 4 months and then the problem re-emerged. At this point I decided to see about either repairing it myself or sending it elsewhere. I decided to attempt a rebuild and purchased a backup reg in the event I FUBARed the original regulator. This is a backup OEM reg that I installed today. I still have a bit more to learn before finishing a rebuild of the old reg. So this is where I am in the process. 
@elh0102 I’m not sure what you mean. From what I can tell by eyeballing shot consistency from my holdovers and POIs, the reg seems to be functioning until the pressure gets too low. I won’t really know until I shoot a few strings across a chronograph. 

After airing it up again this morning the reg moved with the reservoir manometer and stopped where it should. This is a good thing. I will check later today to see how the regulator holds its setting.

After giving it some thought, part of my issue may be that this is my only airgun with the regulator and reservoir manometers adjacent to one another. Maybe they all move after falling off the reg. It would make sense. I really don’t know amd never thought to pay attention to this. I’ve only noticed it with this rifle. BUT when this regulator needs servicing I’ve also experienced the reg setting increasing in pressure while filling the reservoir and that hasn’t happened. 

I really don’t want to be hasty in saying the issue is this or that, so I’ll be able to make a better determination after shooting it more. As I stated, I’m just getting started in this area of maintenance and I just beginning to understand how regulators actually function as well as how HPA components, air rifles, and air rifle components/accessories function.