Brocock bantam sniper slugs

My Bantam Sniper doesnt like slugs, very hard to feed, wont group and after a few shots I can hear air inside the stock after each shot as it blown the breech!
If you believe its the breech Oring, why not simply replace and go from there? If you’re still hearing air “inside” the stock then it’s something else. The rifle is shipped with spares… Good luck!
My Bantam Sniper doesnt like slugs, very hard to feed, wont group and after a few shots I can hear air inside the stock after each shot as it blown the breech!
@poppas49 Which types of slugs have you tried shooting? Which ones are causing your breech o-ring to come out? What’s the slug’s diameter that you’re shooting? Have you tried shooting FX Hybrid slugs? The most common way I’ve seen that breech o-ring blown out of a Bantam Sniper is by not fully engaging the bolt/lever (pushing it closed/ all the way forward) before pressing the trigger.
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