Brocock Contour XL S6

I got one a month ago and totally LOVE it! I plan to do a little write up next week but here are some thoughts - It is incredibly accurate out to 100', really fun to shoot, small and light. The things I'm not crazy about but can live with - 6 shot, stiff unadjustable trigger... that still breaks clean, but stiffer than I prefer. No pressure gage. Low shot count - AoA says 24 good shots but I get 18. I know this sounds like a lot of strikes against it but of the 8 airguns I have owned (4 of which were pcp's) this is one of the best. Just too fun! I I currently also own a HW 30s and a .22 cricket with the skeleton stock, both great guns.


One other thing- the mod that comes with the XL S6 is a bit of a joke. It's just a 4" hollow tube with some sound absorbing stuff in it. It is also a bugger to get off. I ended up using a torch to heat the back ring which was glued to the barrel threads with epoxy. I then ordered a mod from Neil Clague which added 3 inches to the length but the gun is dead quiet now.
Hey guys. I've had three of them now. I sold my last 1 because it did not have enough fpe (17) for me to hunt with. I bought 2 more from Jim at precision airguns and 1 is shooting 23fpe and the other 24 fpe.both are the contour S6. Very light weight. I put a hawke 3x9 and I believe it goes well with the rifle. The moderator that comes with it does ok. Don't think it's going to be dead quiet because it's not. I tried jsb pellets because every air rifle I've owned has shot them well. The S6 shot "ok" with them (1/2 at 30 yards). It wasn't until 2 weeks ago I tried crosman premier and it shot those through 1 ragged hole. If you get one try ALL types of pellets
I am amazed that you think the factory LDC does OK, I took mine off immediately and gave it away, it is a joke to call it an LDC or moderator, it had very little effect on the report on my gun. They claim it is a Hugget but mine was not marked with anything to identify it as one, it was plastic inside and out and not worth using. The Brococks are very easy to tame and can be made extremely quiet, they are a fantastic little gun, extremely small and light and come to the shoulder very easily, you could almost shoot one like a pistol they are so small. I have 3 of them now and just love them, not a great shot count but I will most likely tether mine to a tank the next time i take it out, Neil.
I'm shooting JSB 15.89 pellets and getting about 21 foot pounds. I have only shot one tin so far, and they are the only pellet I have shot through my S6. I get a very small ragged hole when shooting between 75 and 100' using the JSB Exact Jumbo 15.89. I put a Vortex Diamondback 4-12X40 A0 on it. I plan to write up a reveiw next week and include photos. It's a beauty!
The Contour is tiny, and this makes for compromises in performance. I have one of the older single shot Contours. I can get about 25 shots at moderate power in .177. The trigger is very nice and the engineering and quality is outstanding, equaling AirArms and Daystate. With its short barrel and beautiful Walnut skeleton stock it is more like a pistol with a butt stock than a carbine. It should not be thought of as a substitute for a full size gun.
Hey Rchr - this is not a long range gun but shooting tight groups at 50 yards is no problem. If you want to shoot 100 at 100 yards you need a more powerful gun, but if you want a beautiful, small, light, and extremly accurate gun for hunting at 25-40 yards the Brocock would be hard to beat. I shot a 6 shot group at 131 feet this morning that was much smaller than a dime and should have been smaller but I had too much coffee:) The gun could have shot a single ragged hole. If I could figure out how to add a photo I'll show it to you.
I have shot mine at 50 yards and it is very accurate, but it was never intended for 100 yard shooting, I think it was intended for fairly close range rodent eradication and other pests taken at fairly short distances. I would not even think about trying to shoot anything at 100 yards with mine. You might get there but the power level at that range would not be very high, Neil.
As Neil stated, just because a manufacturer states it can shoot that far does not mean it can humanely hunt that far. My first one I sold to Neil because what I hunt (LARGE green iguanas ) it was just not enough power unless it was a perfect shot and I prefer a rifle with a little more power for forgiveness. That's why I bought two more when the power was bumped up. My father (65 yrs old) and my wife love em as they are very light, but as Neil states; they are designed in my humble opinion for 25-45 yd shooting vermin