Brocock sniper magnum vs fx crown

I think a lot of the opinions you get on here are going to come down to different individual experiences with each brand, as few if any people here have owned more than one or two of each kind. You'll get some people who swear against Daystate/Brocock because they had a bad experience and some who swear against FX because they had a bad experience. 

That said, my opinion having watched issues with both brands play out, is that FX seems quite willing to fix problems, and they have their own service center in the United States. Daystate on the other hand doesn't seem to take some issues seriously (like their magazine issue, which was a drama played out on this forum) and if they occur stateside they essentially tell you to complain to AOA. 

As far as the individual guns are concerned, I'm quite partial to a toggle-lever action as opposed to a bolt action, and the modularity/parts availability of the Crown is extensive and impressive. The Crown can just do a lot more, a lot more easily, for a lot less money. I'm also going to go out on a limb here and disagree with people that the Crown (or Impact) NEED tuning out of the box. My experience, and FX's statements, suggest this is no more so than any other gun. They come very well tuned for a specific ammo and caliber, and just because you are able to easily re-tune them doesn't mean you need to. FX has specific reg and hammer settings to optimize each caliber the Crown is offered in, and each gun comes set up just so for that caliber. The dual gauges allows a level of micro-managing a lot of people aren't used to, so don't realize things like going from very cold to very warm areas will increase plenum pressure. If you didn't have a reg gauge who would know? Point is my Crown, after a little breaking in, will print groups under an inch at 100 yards on a good day. I can't ask for much more than that. 

And I guess I want to round off this post by saying that, while I certainly prefer the Crown (I own one after all, if I didn't think it was better I'd own the Brocock), you really can't go wrong with either option. Both are world class guns, and a lot of the difference just comes down to personal preference.