Brocock/BRK Brocock Sniper XR Leak

Couple months back pulled the gun out of the safe to murder a couple pigeons and noticed the onboard reservoir was a little lower than when I had put it in the safe a few weeks before this. Nothing big, but I knew I had topped of the gun before I put it away and it's never leaked a drop before so it was unusual.

I did have the issue with the one way check value leaking after a fill back when I first got it, but AOA replaced the fill valve with the updated one for me and haven't had problem since.

Well, pulled the gun of the safer the other day and it was completely empty.

Took the stock off and tried to fill it to see if I could find the place it was leaking.

Sure enough it was obvious right away. It's coming from the little hole just to the left of the gauges as seen in the pictures I'll attach.

I'm guessing it's a a seal or o-ring of some sort?

Anyone have this issue and what was the fix?



Couple months back pulled the gun out of the safe to murder a couple pigeons and noticed the onboard reservoir was a little lower than when I had put it in the safe a few weeks before this. Nothing big, but I knew I had topped of the gun before I put it away and it's never leaked a drop before so it was unusual.

I did have the issue with the one way check value leaking after a fill back when I first got it, but AOA replaced the fill valve with the updated one for me and haven't had problem since.

Well, pulled the gun of the safer the other day and it was completely empty.

Took the stock off and tried to fill it to see if I could find the place it was leaking.

Sure enough it was obvious right away. It's coming from the little hole just to the left of the gauges as seen in the pictures I'll attach.

I'm guessing it's a a seal or o-ring of some sort?

Anyone have this issue and what was the fix?



View attachment 537497

@iflyskyhigh Not sure, but it may be a dowty seal (bonded washer) behind a gauge. I don’t recall if BRK uses them there, but I have encountered them elsewhere in the rifle. Let me see if I can look at an exploded diagram to confirm my suspicion.
@iflyskyhigh I’m more confident that you need to replace the a dowty seal behind one of if not both gauges. Watch this video starting at the 3:20 mark. If you don’t know how to disassemble the rifle you can watch from the beginning to follow the steps.

You can order a reseal kit from AOA for $30

Or go through the exploded parts diagram and parts list to identify the particular parts that you need and want to purchase. Here’s a link the the Brocock Bantam Sniper XR exploded diagram and corresponding parts list. Just scroll to your respective BRK model.


The size of the dowty seal around the fill port is ⅛” bspp or 10mm. I didn’t see the part number for the seal behind the gauge on the parts list. I assume it’s part # 56 and one is used behind each gauge and two around the fill port assembly. All are the same size. That should do it. I ordered a 3-pack from Huma Air when I replaced mine. Reference this thread to see the a photo of the Huma Air part number for the dowty seal/bonded washers.

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Thanks for the replies. I watched the videos and it's for sure the seals on the outside of the regulator or the piston inside. Either way I'll get it fixed.

Gonna try and run down to AOA next week and get the kits to fix it up.

I talked to them and they wanted $250 to go over the gun "due to age" and do a complete refurb.

Gun shoots lights out. Don't really think it needs a "refurb" I'm sure as soon as get the get the seals replaced it will be GTG.

It's hot and dry here. O-rings wear out. No biggie.

I'm also thinking about selling it to get an FX M4. Don't want to dump an unnecessary $250 into it that I won't get back out of it.

Thanks again for your alls time.

So. Got the gun all fixed up. Replaced ALL orings with the kit from AOA.

I’ve only dry fired the gun at this point to check operation.

It’s holding just fine and dandy.

That being said I noticed there is still a small”poof” of emanating from right around the top of the barrel where it mates to the action when I dry fire it.

I’m 100% certain the gun is assembled meticulously and perfect.

I replaced both the orings on the outside of the barrel and the the one inside the barrel which seats the pellet probe.

I know I used the correct orings, or least the ones that matched the ones I took out.

Is this happing because I am dry firing without a pellet? Will this self correct when there is a pellet sealing the barrel? I never noticed this before. But I wasn’t really paying attention either.

PS. I probably have the reg set too high at this point. I put it back where I thought I had screwed out before it but it’s at like 140-150 bar. I think I had at at about 120 before?? Probably need to go back and retune
PS. I probably have the reg set too high at this point. I put it back where I thought I had screwed out before it but it’s at like 140-150 bar. I think I had at at about 120 before?? Probably need to go back and retune
I'm no expert but my thoughts are setting the reg lower is for more shot count and less power........I own the Sniper XR Magnum and my reg is set closer to 160 than 150.
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So. Got the gun all fixed up. Replaced ALL orings with the kit from AOA.

I’ve only dry fired the gun at this point to check operation.

It’s holding just fine and dandy.

That being said I noticed there is still a small”poof” of emanating from right around the top of the barrel where it mates to the action when I dry fire it.

I’m 100% certain the gun is assembled meticulously and perfect.

I replaced both the orings on the outside of the barrel and the the one inside the barrel which seats the pellet probe.

I know I used the correct orings, or least the ones that matched the ones I took out.

Is this happing because I am dry firing without a pellet? Will this self correct when there is a pellet sealing the barrel? I never noticed this before. But I wasn’t really paying attention either.

PS. I probably have the reg set too high at this point. I put it back where I thought I had screwed out before it but it’s at like 140-150 bar. I think I had at at about 120 before?? Probably need to go back and retune
@iflyskyhigh Did you change the o-rings on the outside of the regulator?
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IIRC, as in all airguns with a shroud/ silencer, there's a vent hole just in front of the action, in the shroud to vent air from the tube. That's normal.
I believe it was this.

Did a little backyard testing and it shoots great. Super low ES's and SD's. I think I'm gonna leave the reg set higher. Like the power and the shot count is still more than acceptable. I have a bottle and compressor so air is not an issue.

If I end up getting a more powerful gun and I keep this one, I'll turn it back down towards the factory settings. But for now the power is nice for pigeon hunting and I couldn't ask for better accuracy.