I was shooting by bobcat at my local range last weekend and after a really good day, I decided to put one more magazine through it. First couple of shots were ok, but after about the fifth shot, the cocking arm went kind of slack. There was a pellet in the barrel but the gun wouldn't fire. The pellet probe was moving back and forth but it wouldn't cock the gun. There seemed to be less movement in the cocking action. Needless to say I was gutted so I drove to the shop where I'd bought it and I enquired if there was any warranty left on the gun. I knew I'd had it about 12 months but wasn't sure. The guy in the shop checked and to my relief there was 7 days left on my warranty! I felt unlucky and lucky at the same time. The gun has been sent off for repair but I was wondering if anyone out there might know what's gone wrong or has had a similar problem with their bobcat. Cheers guys.